Don't run away

Chapter 3760 President, take me away 16

Chapter 3760 President, take me away 16
He used to think that the president always had a cold face, but now he thinks that the president's face-changing skills are very good.

If you give someone a cold face, it will be a cold face, if you tell someone a smiling face, it will be a smiling face.

"you eat first!"

Zong Zhengxu saw that she was talking, but she didn't eat much.

"it is good!"

Fu Qingyu responded, took the bread and ate it.

This bread is very delicious, it is very soft on the outside, and has a little bit of burnt aroma, but it is sandwiched with a soft-soft filling. Take a bite, and the very sweet taste is lingering in your mouth.

After breakfast, Zong Zhengxu personally sent them to the plane.


Zong Zhengxu stood there and waved at her.


Fu Qingyu waved his hand, turned around and sat in the cabin.

The helicopter flew up with a bang, and the ears were almost numb.

Fu Qingyu closed his eyes slightly, as if to rest his mind.

Helen originally wanted to say something, but seeing Fu Qingyu's expression in the blink of an eye, she stopped saying anything.

The plane flew for a day before it landed. The place where it landed was Zong Zhengxu's private villa.

"Miss Fu, our president said that everything here is free for you to use."

The housekeeper stood below to greet Qingxi.

"Then please buy us two sets of clothes."

Fu Qingyu smiled slightly and said aloud.


The butler bowed and went to work immediately.

While the two were sitting on the sofa waiting, a servant immediately brought black tea and snacks.

"good to eat!"

After Helen took a bite, her eyes narrowed into a line.

In fact, when he was on the island, Fu Qingyu had already discovered that she was actually a foodie.

This is the expression when there is something to eat.

It's just that at that time, there was nothing to eat.

Now that there is something to eat, it is natural for her to do whatever she wants.

"Helen, if you eat like this, will you become a fat man!?"

Fu Qingyu suddenly thought of a very serious problem?

During this period of time, she was always in a state of eating and eating.

"No, I just want to exercise, and I want to protect you."

Helen waved her hand, the movement in her hand only hesitated for a few seconds, and then she started eating again.

"Miss Fu, the clothes are ready."

"Thank you!"

Fu Qingyu expressed his thanks.

"Miss Fu, our president also invited some beauticians over to help the two of you recuperate their skin."

the butler asked aloud.

"This is unnecessary!"

Fu Qingyu waved her hand, if everything was done properly and she went back, wouldn't her days in Huangdao not exist?
This is impossible.

"But I need you to do me a favor?"

"Miss Fu, please tell me!"

The butler was very polite, looking at Fu Qingyu with a very peaceful look.

In the tone of the president's phone call before, the president valued this lady very much.

The person that the president values ​​must be very important.

"I'd like to trouble you, investigate for me the movements of the Fu family."

Fu Qingyu felt that before going back, he had to find out that everything in the house was better.

"The Fu family?"

the butler asked aloud.

"Is Miss Fu the lady the Fu family has been looking for?"

At this time, the butler also thought of the key point.

"Yes, I am the missing lady."

Fu Qinghu nodded.

"Okay, I'll help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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