Don't run away

Chapter 3770 President, take me away 26

Chapter 3770 President, take me away 26
Otherwise, in the plot, Qiu Meiqing would not have given all of her own things to Fu Wenlang.

Fu Qingyu was eating, and within a short while, the food in her bowl had piled up into a hill.

Probably because I was on a deserted island, I often didn't have enough to eat, and my stomach was already a little hungry.

Looking at such a pile of things now I can't eat anymore.

Fortunately, Helen was sitting next to her. Her stomach was like a bottomless pit. She didn't know how she spent the days when she had nothing to eat on the deserted island.

Fu Qingyu put the food in the bowl into Helen's bowl without making a fuss.

Helen ate happily, and Qiu Meiqing was also very happy to pick up vegetables.

It's quite fun.

They ate half of their meal, and Fu Ningsheng came down now.

His hair is slightly wet, he should have taken a bath.

Fu Qingyu glanced at her, feeling amused in his heart.

This kind of mentality of his is that he is a little afraid to hide it.

So, Fu Qingyu took another look at Qiu Meiqing who was sitting beside her, and sure enough, Qiu Meiqing's face darkened slightly.

Fu Ningsheng sat down and ate with chopsticks, with a very calm expression on his face, not at all the embarrassment of not waiting for him to eat.

After finishing dinner in silence, Helen went out for a walk because she ate too much.

Qingyu sat on the sofa with Qiu Meiqing and chatted again, and Fu Tianya and Fu Ningsheng also sat there together.

"Qingyu, you have been on the desert island for a year, and you haven't experienced any psychological changes, which is amazing!!"

Fu Tianya said in surprise, and then looked at Fu Qingyu with extremely admiring eyes.

"Actually, it's not. I'll be afraid now. Fortunately, Helen is by my side!"

Fu Qingyu shook his head.

"Okay, it's all right now, we're all back!"

Qiu Meiqing reached out and patted her on the back. She has really suffered for more than a year.

When did the child raised by him with golden branches and jade leaves experience this kind of suffering.

Qiu Meiqing's heart ached for a while, and she glared at Fu Tianya again, she really did not mention which pot.

Fu Tianya lowered her head and dared not speak anymore.

Fu Ningsheng glanced at Fu Tianya, and didn't help anything, just sat silently.

In his hand, he was always holding the phone, as if he was waiting for something.

"Mom, let's find a movie to watch! I haven't watched TV in a long time!"

Fu Qingyu looked at Fu Ningsheng's appearance, and asked deliberately. Fu Ningsheng must have wanted to go out, so he refused to let him go out.

"it is good!"

Qiu Meiqing nodded.

Someone turned on the TV, and the family sat on the sofa to watch TV. After a while, Helen also came back and sat down.

Fu Tianya wanted to wait for Fu Wenlang here, so he just watched it, but fortunately, that movie wasn't boring.

Only Fu Ningsheng looked at him, but he had no choice but to sit here and watch TV quietly.

Finally, after the movie ended, Fu Ningsheng let out a breath.

"Dad, what's the matter with you, are you uncomfortable?"

Fu Qingyu looked at him, and suddenly asked harshly.


All of a sudden, Fu Ningsheng was paid attention to by everyone, and he waved his hand quickly.

"Mom, you and Dad can go up to rest! Helen and I are going to sleep too!"

Fu Qingyu said with a smile, and pushed Qiu Meiqing.

(End of this chapter)

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