Don't run away

Chapter 4122 Fat Girl Transformation 29

Chapter 4122 Fat Girl Transformation 29
"Wait for me here!?"

Sensing the displeasure on Xin Qingyu's body, Xiang Zuo gave an order, turned around and walked towards his home.

Xin Qingyu stood frowning, it was still very cold outside in winter, and she was wearing pajamas, and her stomach was throbbing with cramps.

The anger towards Fang Kexin in my heart is getting deeper and deeper.

After waiting for a while, Xiang Zuo came out with a thermos.

"This is for you to drink."

He didn't say what was inside, but just handed the thermos into Xin Qingyu's hand, and then hurried back.

Xin Qingyu looked puzzled, and went back home with the thermos in hand.

There is heating in the house, and my cold body was wrapped in a burst of heating as soon as I entered.

Xin Qingyu walked to the dining table, opened the thermos, and sniffed the smell inside.

It has a strong ginger flavor and seems to have some motherwort.

Xin Qingyu drank a few sips, and a spicy feeling spread in his mouth.

This pungentness spread down the throat, and the body seemed to be ignited at this time.

Xin Qingyu felt warm all over her body, with an indescribable warm feeling.

I don't know if it's because I feel it in my heart, but my stomach doesn't seem to hurt anymore.

Xin Qingyu stood up and covered the lid of the thermos.

Just as he was about to go to the room to rest, there was another knock on the door.

There is no doubt that the person is definitely to the left.

Xin Qingyu opened the door without looking in front of the peephole, and the person standing outside was indeed facing left.

"what are you doing here?"

Xin Qingyu asked aloud.

"this is for you!"

Xiang Zuo stuffed another thing into her hand, and left in a hurry.


The door of his house was slammed shut on the opposite side.

Xin Qingyu looked at the palace warming post in his hand, feeling helpless.

Suddenly thinking about the bottom of the pot that was replaced by Xiang Zuo in the hot pot restaurant before.


Xin Qingyu didn't think much about it. After returning to the room and pasting the warm palace stickers, she lay down on the bed and began to rest.

In the following days, Xin Qingyu was basically playing with Fang Ruixi, and Xiang Zuo also came here from time to time.

Fang Ruixi likes Xiang Zuo very much, and the relationship between the two of them is getting better and better.

On this day, Xin Qingyu was helping Xiang Zuo to find a school.

"At this time, it's hard to find a school!"

Xiang Zuo leaned in front of her, basically until the second half of the year.


Xin Qingyu also knows this, but she must still have a lot of things to do in the future, she can't run outside with her children every day!
"My mother's private kindergarten can let Xixi go in. He is still very good, so go ahead and have fun, and wait until the second half of the year when he officially enters the kindergarten!"

Suggestions to the left.

"You-mother's kindergarten, which one is it!"

Xin Qingyu asked suspiciously.

"This sunflower."

Stretching out her hand to the left, she pulled out the brochure she had pressed - at the bottom.


Xin Qingyu was a little surprised that it was the best kindergarten.

In fact, this is what she is most interested in, but the better the school, the more rules there are. Like them, she will definitely not be able to enroll.

So she always chooses among the lower schools, but she never thought that there is still a way to the left.

(End of this chapter)

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