Don't run away

Chapter 941

Chapter 941
At first, I felt sorry for Yanji and wanted to make it up to her, but when I came to her and saw her rigid expression, I was really upset.

Nu Dahai waved his sleeves, stood up, and then went to the front yard.

Seeing him go, Yan Ji breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, he left, otherwise it would be really uncomfortable to watch, and I don't know why he suddenly had a convulsion and ran here.

Yan Ji called her maid to come in and take care of her. After washing up, she went to bed to rest.

I don't know if it's because of knowing Ajin's relationship, but I slept very soundly that night.

Even in the dream, I dreamed of A Jin.

Yan Ji's lips were slightly curved, like a blooming flower.

Suddenly, there was a slight noise from her window, and a figure flashed over.

Yan Ji immediately opened her eyes vigilantly, and when she saw the person in front of her, the vigilance in her eyes disappeared instantly, replaced by an indescribable joy.


Ouyang Jin sat down and immediately held her hand.

Yan Ji looked at his completely unfamiliar face, then at his eyes, and finally found a familiar feeling in his eyes.


At that moment, she also hugged Ouyang Jin's neck.

The two of them just hugged each other for a long, long time.

After a long time, Ouyang Jin let go of Yan Ji, and the two leaned against the bed, talking in a low voice.

"How did you come to this plot?"

Yan Ji looked at her with joy and excitement in her eyes.

"Ji Zeya said, she said that you have to do daily tasks, and I want to help you, so I came here!"

Ouyang Jin looked at her strange face and spoke in a soft voice.


Yanji was very happy. These five missions were all unknown, and she didn't know what she would become through time travel. Some were the protagonists, some were supporting roles, and some probably couldn't even be human, so her heart was also very flustered. .

But this panic, when he saw Ah Jin, it had already ended, and all of this disappeared.

As long as Ah Jin is there, it is her reassurance, and she has nothing to fear.

With a slight smile on the corner of Yan Ji's mouth, she gently took his hand and shook it.

"Is this task difficult?"

Ouyang Jin has never seen this kind of messy TV series, so she doesn't understand it at all, and just thinks that she traveled to the Qing Dynasty.

"It won't be difficult!"

Yan Ji shook her head.

As expected, Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang will call Xinyue Gege into the palace tomorrow.

Everything depends on how she chooses.

However, Yan Ji knew that no matter what, the gears of fate were already turning, and no matter how it developed, it was impossible to escape from that point.

Thinking of this, Yan Ji felt very confident again.

Looking at her expression, Ouyang Jin knew that everything was under her control, so she didn't say anything anymore?

"Will you be there for the next mission?"

She asked again, clutching his sleeves with her small hands, and there was an uncertain light in her eyes.

"Yes! Your mission is completed... it will be teleported immediately, but we will not know what kind of character we will be. Will you recognize me soon?"

Ouyang Jin asked.

"I can!"

She nodded, and then smiled awkwardly, but this time she recognized it.

 Dismal comment section~Is the plot not good recently~╭(╯^╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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