I'm live streaming in heaven

Chapter 1023 The same son!Only sell 9.9!

Chapter 1023 The same son!Only sell 9.9!

All the voices fell into the ears of Shen Qiong and Bai Qiqi.

The figures of the two people who matched each other perfectly and came side by side fell into the eyes of other audiences.

The air was suddenly quiet.

All the audience immediately stiffened their faces, pretending that they hadn't heard anything.

Xiao Shiba, who was sitting with his back facing Shen Qiong and Bai Qiqi, didn't notice their arrival, and frowned suspiciously, did he say something that wasn't funny?When he first saw this video, his stomach hurt from laughing.

Subconsciously thinking that everyone didn't understand the joke in his story, Xiao Shiba added: "Imagine, if the Emperor of Heaven remembered his experience after returning to Heaven, and scolded himself as a scumbag with a serious face, What kind of expression will it be? Don't you think it's funny?"


The surrounding atmosphere seemed to be getting colder.

No matter how long the reflex arc was, Xiao Shiba felt something was wrong.

What happened to the sudden chill behind this?

Fuck!Don't you mean Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here?

He didn't dare to look back, but he could already imagine a pair of eyes that were so cold that he would freeze to death. Xiao Shiba's body became more and more stiff, but he reacted quickly.

Pretending not to notice that there might be someone coming from behind, he stood up, walked forward, away from this dangerous area, and said righteously with a dignified look: "But our Heavenly Emperor has always been wise and powerful, and it should have been just a misunderstanding at the beginning. How did you say that, I'm smart for a lifetime, but I'm stupid for a while, it's understandable~ I can understand..."

His gaze looked ahead calmly.

Well, there are still ten meters to go behind Huang Nu.

With Huang Nu as the instigator, if the Emperor of Heaven wanted to settle the score, he would go to Huang Nu first.

There are still nine meters...

eight meters...

At this moment, an invisible mana locked the space, and the air instantly became viscous, turning into the most powerful chain, making every step difficult.

Shen Qiong's voice as deep as thunder rang in his ears: "Jin Shiba, why did you leave before the story was finished?"

The slender man approached step by step, and the moonlight shone from behind, casting a shadow.Shen Qiong sat straight where Jin Shiba was originally sitting, flipping off his robe, domineering and casual.

Holding his son with one hand, the fingers of the other hand gently clasped his knee. Immediately, the invisible mana seemed to turn into a hand, and roughly pulled back Jin Shiba who was about to flee the scene, forcing him to Turned around, face to face with himself.

"You continue to talk, I am also very interested." The voice is flat, and there is no emotion.It's just that the aura of not being angry and self-imposing makes people feel cold.

Little Eighteen is silent.

Before Huangnu, Taishang Laojun, Chang'e, Nanqiao, and his brothers all talked so much, but he only interjected twice in total, why was he caught by the Emperor of Heaven? !
This God of Wealth is bitter, but this God of Wealth does not say anything!
What should I do if I laugh at my boss and get caught on the spot?
I saw the little God of Wealth froze for a moment, and then immediately pulled out a smile that was brighter than the autumn chrysanthemums, trotted to the side of Shenqiong, and took out a cup of tea from the portable space: "I am just an audience , the story is mainly told by Huang Nu. The Emperor of Heaven, I will listen to it with you. I have melon seeds drink and watermelon cubes..."

Before he finished speaking, the corner of Shen Qiong's eye suddenly caught a colorful thing in the man's sleeve, and subconsciously pulled it out with force.

The next second, with a "click", a book fell to the ground.

The advertisement for the special price has not been torn off.The strong-colored slogan is particularly eye-catching under the night sky—the son of the same style as the Emperor of Heaven!Only sell 9.9!

(End of this chapter)

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