I'm live streaming in heaven

Chapter 843 Bull Demon King VS Iron Fan Princess

Chapter 843 Bull Demon King VS Iron Fan Princess (110)

After doing warm-up exercises and having breakfast, we started our serious mission—exploring the desert culture of N City.

In layman's terms, when all the mobile phones and wallets are confiscated, and only clothes are left on the body, within seven days, they will go deep into the desert and reach the designated mission points, such as the Western Xia Royal Tomb, Helan Mountain Rock Paintings and other representative sites. Local photo authentication.

The most important point in the rules is that fans are not allowed to use any power.Such as borrowing money from fans, taking a ride with fans... If found out, the results will be invalid.

Hearing this, Qiqi somewhat understood why this show was called Almighty Idol.

Before entering the desert, you must prepare materials and equipment.Buying supplies requires money, which requires them to find ways to make money.And it can only take four days at most to earn enough for two people plus two follow-up photographers.Water bottle, emergency medicine, sleeping bag tent, compressed food, map, compass...

Not only that, even the cost of board and lodging these days is not a small expense.

After entering the desert, they have to test their ability to survive in the wild.

The seven days, whether it is long or short, and what accidents will happen are still unknown.Adaptability is also important.

Just after the task was issued, everyone couldn't wait to act separately, for fear of wasting a minute and a second.

"Xiaobai, how do we do it?" For some reason, after seeing the strength of Qiqi's boyfriend, Shi Lei, who was originally planning to cover Qiqi, trusted Qiqi, obeyed Qiqi's leadership, and obeyed Qiqi's command.

Bai Qiqi pondered for a while.This is a TV show, and it is necessary to promote all positive energy. If you rely on making wishes to get money... it will be handed over to the police uncle. This will not work~
Think of her as a dignified little fairy who first came to the world and worried about money; after her job stabilized, she continued to worry about money because she lost her car;

What is the difference between myself and the poor god?
"In short, let's find a way to make money first. Let's go to the more prosperous areas first. Where there are many people, there are also many business opportunities."

Shi Lei agreed.

The two of them and the two following photographers walked in a certain direction based on their feelings.

The sun in N city is very poisonous, almost everyone walking on the street is wearing a big sun hat, even if Bai Qiqi and Shi Lei covered them tightly, no one recognized them.

After walking for about an hour and a half, Shi Lei suddenly grabbed Bai Qiqi's sleeve: "Xiao Bai, look there."

Qiqi followed his gaze, it was a coffee shop.

Head full of black lines: "You don't want to drink afternoon tea now, do you?"

"No, look at the person sitting by the window, is it Murong Zhi?"

"...Who is Murong Zhi?"

"...International superstar, Lu Zeyu, he. Damn!"

Bai Qiqi was dumbfounded.jpg.

Immediately took a closer look, and there was indeed a very temperamental beauty in the coffee shop by the window.Although she doesn't know what Murong Zhi looks like, but he looks so good-looking and has somewhat similar eyebrows and eyes with Lu Zeyu, it must be Lu Zeyu. Mom, that's right!

It's just that Lu Zeyu, why did his mother appear here?Is it a coincidence?

Just as this thought floated by, a black and white police car stopped at the entrance of the coffee shop, and two policemen in police uniforms got out from inside and walked into the coffee shop quickly.It can be seen through the large floor-to-ceiling windows that they found Murong Zhi.

(End of this chapter)

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