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Chapter 1937 Holography: The Girl Playing the Piano vs The King of Killers 6

Chapter 1937 Holography: The Girl Playing the Piano vs The King of Killers 6
Said that her deceased mother seduced (-.-) a married man, and after being recognized by her father, she also occupied the magpie's nest, acted like a dog, bullied her sister, and robbed her.

Things got worse and worse, and the netizens in the game quickly stripped away the identity of the original owner.

Zhao Jiujiu loves the original owner very much on weekdays, no matter what he has, he will give it to the original owner thoughtfully, showing the appearance of a good sister to the fullest.

And all of this, in the eyes of everyone, became an ironclad evidence of the original owner's plundering.

The incident continued to ferment until Ruan Nuan Nuan broke out that the original owner seduced her brother-in-law and took her sister's love, which made her discouraged and quit the game.

He also took screenshots of the evidence of the game being played by the original owner, Junzi Yinuo and others on the forum, and ps many non-existent chat records.

Everyone knows that Be with me for a long time and Junzi Yinuo are heroes in the game. They often form a couple together and have a sweet relationship.

But the original owner, as Zhao Jiujiu's younger sister, didn't know how to avoid suspicion, and even wanted to get involved with her brother-in-law. Her sinister intentions were heinous and shameless.

In all kinds of guesses, everyone knew that the game id with me for a long time was the eldest lady of the Zhao family. After seeing that she hadn't played the game for several days, and she didn't make any clarifications from the beginning to the end, she felt more and more the truth of the matter It is what they see.

He felt that Zhao Jiujiu was probably discouraged by his sister's snatching of his boyfriend, so he left in a fit of anger.

For a moment, the original owner became an existence that everyone shouted and beat.

No matter where she hides, she will be surrounded by people, and they will kill her. Moreover, those people use props cruelly, making it impossible for her to leave the game in a short time.

It's not that the original owner didn't think about not playing games anymore, but this incident had a great blow and influence on her.

The stubborn original owner felt that if she left the game, all the evidence of the crime would be confirmed. She was unwilling to carry such stains all the time, and would not be able to face her mother in the future.

This game was originally made very realistically, and she felt every wound of the characters in the game, and she became more and more mentally broken under the long-term torture.

Until the end, her mental strength could not support her to quit the game...

The original owner was completely trapped in the game, and after being discovered by the game company, he was forced to quit the game.

However, it was already too late by that time...

Zhao Jiujiu had a car accident and lost his eyesight. Only by finding a suitable cornea and performing corneal transplantation can he regain his sight.

At this time, everyone in the Zhao family, including Zhao Jiujiu's boyfriend An Jun, immediately thought of the original owner.

When they found the original owner, they found that she had stopped breathing and her body was already cold.

After a doctor's examination, it was found that although the original owner had been dead for a long time, the brain was still warm, so the cornea could still be used as usual.

The Zhao family used the original owner's cornea on Zhao Jiujiu's body without any consideration.

After Zhao Jiujiu broke free from the game, he saw that his eyes had been ruthlessly destroyed long ago, and his body had lost all functions due to prolonged hunger.

In other words, she... was completely dead.

And he died bearing all kinds of abuse and misunderstandings...

I don't know if it's because of the cornea that her soul hasn't parted for a long time, and has been by Zhao Jiujiu's side all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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