Quick Pass Raiders: Blackened BOSS, please calm down

Chapter 2025 Chapter 1 Time and Space: You Are My "Blue Friend" 4

Chapter 2025 The First Dimension: You Are My "Blue Friend" 4
After graduating from university, the two worked in the same hospital.

And the boyfriend of the original owner also met a nurse in the hospital who in his opinion was better than the original owner in all aspects.

The nurse took great care of him and met many needs that the original owner could not provide, and finally he proposed to break up with the original owner.

And the original owner, since falling in love with her boyfriend, has long regarded him as the only one in her life.

She begged her boyfriend not to leave her, no matter what she did wrong, she was willing to work hard to change.

However, her boyfriend has long been tired of taking care of his girlfriend like a daughter, so even though he was crying bitterly from the original owner, he still chose to ruthlessly refuse and asked the original owner not to pester him anymore.

The original owner almost exhausted all methods, including trying to do many things that he had never done before, but in the end, he failed to make his boyfriend change his mind.

Until the end, because of her boyfriend's sentence: You go, I am about to marry my girlfriend, I hope you will never appear in front of my eyes, and never appear in my life, we are over, forever It is impossible to be together.

These words were like cutting the last straw of the original owner. Because she couldn't accept this fact, she chose to commit suicide at home again and again, but luckily her parents found out in time and saved her life.

However, even if she hovered on the edge of death again and again, the fire of hope in her heart was still not ignited, and her determination to die was uselessly shaken in the slightest.

This time, it was just one of the original owner's many suicides.

And this time, it was also the last memory of the original owner in this world.

If Mao Xiaoxiao hadn't arrived, she would have jumped off dozens of high-rise buildings five minutes ago.

And the cute firefighter who crawled quietly below also chose to jump off because he wanted to save the original owner without hesitation, and luckily grabbed the original owner's hand.

Too late to be happy.

The rope around the waist gradually couldn't bear the weight of the two people due to the intense friction, and it seemed that the rope was about to break because it couldn't bear the weight of the two people.

The firefighters resolutely chose to exchange their own lives for the chance of the original owner's survival, so the firefighters tied their lifelines around the original owner's waist in the air...

At that moment, the original owner watched helplessly as the firefighter looked at him with a smile on his lips, without any resentment or dissatisfaction on his immature face.

He said, "Live well."

The original owner was stunned, dumbfounded, and lost all consciousness.

The heart also seems to have stopped beating...


There was a loud sound, and the original owner watched helplessly as the life that was still alive just now fell to the cold floor.


Even at a height of [-] meters, she seemed to be able to clearly hear the sound of every drop of blood on that person's body breaking through the obstacles of the human body and splashing on the floor due to gravity.

I don't know if it's a hallucination?There was a faint smell of blood coming from the tip of the nose...

His eyes were fixed on him, those bright eyes were like a puddle of stagnant water, as if he wanted to suck the original owner into the abyss.

"Ah... don't, don't... I'm sorry! I'm sorry..." After the original owner was rescued, he came back to his senses and screamed, holding his head repeatedly, saying sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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