Chapter 100 Auntie
From a legal point of view, grandparents have no chance of winning against mothers for custody of their children, and the law will not support them at all.

Not to mention that the Su family had done such despicable and vile things to Lu Yun.It really got to the point of falling out, and even if Xia Yuan went to the police station to sue them, they would never be able to get it right.

After all, Lu Aiguo wanted to avoid, and Lu Yun also wanted to avoid the Su family because he was worried about Xia Yuan's emotions, not because he was really afraid of them.

As long as there is the buffer of Haicheng's time in the past few months, Xia Yuan can come out of that shadow.When they returned to Elm Village for the New Year, they would have nothing to fear.

As for Lu Yun's change of surname, of course they would not be so stupid, and it will be exposed right now.They don't say it themselves, and their household registration has been moved to Haicheng, so how can the people of the Su family know?When they know that they just want to make trouble, they have to go to Haicheng first if they have the ability to talk about it!

When Lu Yun grows up and Lu Aiguo and Xia Yuan live a more prosperous life, will the Su family make more noise?Just like in Lu Yun's previous life, didn't she change her surname in the end?
Didn't the Su family and Chen Juxiang never thought of making a fuss to ask for benefits? In the end, Lu Yun still didn't give them even a piece of grass. Didn't they have nothing to do?
When he arrived in the town, Erbo Lu took two catties of wild pork and a pack of pastries to thank the person he entrusted.Then, by the way, he sent an urgent telegram to Haicheng.

Lu Aiguo, Xia Yuan, Shitou, and Lu Yun and their group directly transferred from the village to the town by car.There is only one early bus from the village to the town every day, which is why the family needs to leave early one day in advance.

When they arrived in the town, the family opened two rooms in the guest house in the town with the letter of introduction, and then Lu Aiguo found the person who helped buy the tickets at the address given by Uncle Lu, and took the tickets from him.By the way, I would like to send two canned fruits and a pack of snacks as thanks.

Afterwards, they stayed in the hostel for one night, and the group went to the train station early the next day. They didn't breathe a sigh of relief until they got on the train bound for Haicheng.

The speed of the "bang bang bang bang" green leather train is absolutely incomparable with the bullet trains and high-speed rails of later generations.But it made Lu Yun feel very kind and fond.

She sat by the window and watched the receding scenery.Thinking that she would be able to go to Haicheng soon, and seeing her aunt, uncle, and two cousins ​​who were still children when she was young, she couldn't help smiling and curled her lips, full of anticipation.

Aunt Xia Na is a female worker in a textile factory, and Uncle Gu Tianming is a maintenance worker in a water plant.There are two cousins, Gu Feng and Gu Meng, one is nine years old and the other is eight years old, the difference in age from her is not too big.In their previous life, they were still alumni of the same school and different grades.

Although she seldom interacts with them, let alone play together, the two cousins ​​have always taken good care of her.If it weren't for her withdrawn temperament in school back then, and without their private escort, she would probably have been bullied to death by her classmates.

Recalling her previous life, Lu Yun's deepest impression is the always cold face of her aunt Xia Na when she was a child, and the hard tone when talking to her.

When she was a child, she was afraid of her aunt. Although she could understand her when she grew up, and knew that she didn't like her, she didn't care about her at all.But the fear of her aunt in her heart could never be dispelled.She longed to be close to her, but was afraid to be close to her.

Thinking of her unpopular previous life, Lu Yun smiled wryly.

The aunt in Lu Yun's mind is a typical example of a cold face and a warm heart.

Even though there are thousands of people on her face who don't want to see her, as long as there is something delicious at home, she never forgets her.Every time it is either the eldest cousin or the second cousin, as long as she looks around outside her classroom during recess, it is likely that she was ordered to bring something to eat for herself.

Every time she went out, the two cousins ​​hurriedly stuffed things into her hands, and then ran away in the blink of an eye without even saying a word, and always looked down on her for coming out too slowly, delaying them Play time emoji.

When they got older, there was a gathering and chat. Speaking of it, both cousins ​​admitted with some embarrassment that at that time, both brothers regarded delivering food to her as a chore.

Because, in addition to enduring the temptation of delicious food, giving her something to eat will also delay the precious playtime between classes.But due to the majesty of the old lady, they didn't dare to refuse, let alone steal it.So for who will deliver the things, every time the two brothers will "fight wits and courage" in private.

At that time, after Lu Yun finished listening and laughing, of course she would not admit it to herself. At that time, what she was most looking forward to was actually every time they probed outside her classroom.

She is not only greedy for what they brought, sometimes a hard-boiled egg; or sometimes a piece of meat patty wrapped in oil paper; or sometimes two fish balls with meat filling.
At that time, when she ate those foods, she cherished every bite, chewing and chewing carefully. Even though the food was already cold and lost part of its deliciousness, she still felt that she could eat it from it. Strong mother's warm taste.

In addition to bringing her food, my aunt will regularly pick her up to play at home once a month.Said it was for fun, but in fact it was to pick her up to eat meat.Because every time she goes, there must be meat and all kinds of dishes she likes on the dinner table.

That day of every month became the day she looked forward to the most when she was a child.In addition, every year, my aunt will try her best to make one or two new clothes for her, and add some daily necessities, stationery and so on.

She knew that her aunt was trying her best to treat her well in those days when her aunt's house was hard for her.

And as the days went by, the aunt gave her more and more.
She always knew that her aunt really did her best for her.

Compared with her aunt who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, she also liked how her uncle treated her kindly and casually.My uncle is a rare good-tempered old man. He is often scolded by his aunt at home, but he doesn't get angry.

My uncle often comforted my aunt with good words in a helpless tone.

"You will know after a long time. Your aunt actually likes you very much. She always pretends to be that way, but in fact she always talks about and misses you behind her back. No matter how many times you persuade her, she just can't change it. She looks like this It's really anxious to see. Don't think she doesn't like you. "

"The stewed duck you said last time is the signature of He Ji. If you go late every day, you can't buy it. No, today you are coming, and your aunt will go to queue early in the morning for an hour. The team, bringing things back and laughing is like picking up some treasure. I was expecting you to come, but I still pretended not to talk to you."

"Isn't the style of this dress nice? Your aunt saw it worn by the girls of her sister's family in the factory. She liked it, and asked someone to make it according to the shape, isn't it good?"

Bits and pieces of the past flooded into her heart, and Lu Yun still felt the urge to cry when she recalled it.

(End of this chapter)

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