Chapter 339 The Key
The deeper you dive, the water pressure on the bottom of the sea increases, and the fish on the bottom of the sea gradually become rarer and rarer.But this had no effect on Shitou and Lu Yun.

The submarine protective clothing on them can not only isolate the cold from the seabed, but also allow them to dive to a depth of about [-] meters without being affected by sea pressure.

On the way, the two of them went to Lu Yun's space to have a lunch and rest.Looking at the time, the two of them didn't arrive at the destination of this trip until after three o'clock in the afternoon.

Looking at the huge monster in front of him, Lu Yun turned around, followed by Shi Shi and carefully released his mental power, making sure that there was no danger around, and there were no monitoring equipment such as submarine cameras and video cameras. Lu Yun nodded.

In the next moment, the two appeared in the space.

"That's right, I'm sure this is a spaceship." After taking off the protective clothing, Lu Yun blushed with excitement, "Unexpectedly, really unexpected that this is actually real."

"Then is it the spaceship of the previous owner of this space?" Stone is concerned about this, because this is also related to whether the two can easily enter the interior of the spaceship.

"I didn't see it for a while. In fact, most of the spaceships are made very similar. Although the hull of the spaceship also has an emblem, the whole ship is too big. I didn't see where the emblem was just now."

Lu Yun smiled embarrassedly, and she took out a square stone the size of a palm, "But it's okay, we just have to try it with this and we'll know."

"What is this?" Shito curiously took the stone and looked over it, but couldn't see what it was.

"The key."

Lu Yun smiled mysteriously, "It should be said that it is an emergency key. As long as it is placed in a specific position, it can open the emergency hatch of the spaceship. All custom-made spaceships in high-level civilizations will have such an emergency compartment." Door.

The location of the emergency hatch is also a secret of every spaceship, basically only the original owner is qualified to know.Even the shape of the key was arbitrarily set by the owner of the spaceship, and the location of the keyhole is also extremely hidden.It is difficult for people who don't know it to find it in a short time. "

"Does that mean anyone can open the spaceship as long as they know the positions of the keyhole and the emergency hatch, and get a stone with the same shape as this one?" Stone asked with interest.

"Of course it's impossible. Don't look at it as an ordinary stone on the surface, but it cannot be copied. It contains a special chip inside, which can only correspond to this spaceship. Even if it is a spaceship made by the same spaceship manufacturer, the key It is also impossible to open each other even if they are of the same shape.”

Lu Yun looked at the stone with strange eyes, not understanding how he would ask such an idiotic question.

The stone couldn't help feeling embarrassed when it received Lu Yun's gaze, and it wasn't because he saw that the surface of the stone was too ordinary except for the square point.

Lu Yun couldn't stop laughing, "If it is confirmed that this is the spaceship of the former owner of the space, then use this key to touch the outer shield of the spaceship to open a small opening, allowing us to pass through the shield smoothly. Let's go out and see talk later."

The two put on their protective clothing and left the space. Lu Yun quickly found the emergency hatch door by relying on the information she had received before. After observing for a while, she saw a key corresponding to the key in her hand in a hidden place nearby. Founder's small mouth.

The two looked at each other with surprise on their faces.

Lu Yun carefully held the key and poked forward, and the protective cover of the spaceship in front of her really quickly tore open a small opening. When the small opening reached a size that a person could pass through, she quickly motioned for the stone, and the two entered the protective cover one by one. , at the same time she withdrew the key, and the shield immediately began to close at the same rapid speed.

Lu Yun's confidence increased for a moment, and after putting the key into the keyhole, the emergency hatch of the spaceship opened. As the two entered, Lu Yun used her mental power to control the retraction of the key, and the hatch closed again.

As the hatch closed, the two noticed that the sea water that entered with them also began to be drained out, and the lights in front of them suddenly turned on.

The two looked around, and found that this was a huge independent and sealed room, and there was a heavy sealed door not far in front.Going all the way through the sealed door, a narrow and long passage appeared in front of you, and at the end of the passage was another sealed door. After opening the door, you walked a short passage before entering another slightly smaller room.

There are twenty or thirty sets of spacesuits neatly arranged in rows in this room.

Shi Shi's mental power went out and retracted for a while, and nodded to Lu Yun. To be cautious, Lu Yun let out a pheasant, and seeing that the pheasant was running around outside seemed to be fine, the two of them confirmed that this place should be It was safe, so I took back the pheasant and took off the submarine protective clothing.

Lu Yun saw that Shitou was looking at those spacesuits curiously, and also took a look, "There are also in this space, but there are not many, only three sets, probably for emergency use."

She pressed a certain button on one side, and a three-dimensional virtual man with a fit body suddenly appeared, and began to teach how to wear and use these space suits in cosmic language. It is more patient to repeat more than three times.

After reading the stone once, he closed the virtual textbook, tried it on himself first, then pulled Lu Yun to try it on, and finally picked out three sets and put them in his small warehouse.

"Go around."

The stone pulled Lu Yun to walk around the entire spaceship first. The lights along the way are all sensory. When someone comes, they will automatically light up, and when they leave, they will automatically turn off.

The whole ship is an elliptical sphere, divided into five layers from top to bottom, with distinct areas, including the main control room, energy storage room, weapon room, escape cabin, material storage area, planting area, dining area, leisure and entertainment area, and living area.
The two walked up and down all over again, fearing that there was something missing, they searched carefully two or three times with mental power, and finally confirmed that there were no other survivors on the spaceship.

In the end, the two went to the main control room first. Both of them knew the common language and characters of the universe. Under the guidance of Lu Yun based on the information he had received and digested before, Stone began to try to fiddle with the pile of precision instruments in front of him.

No matter how talented Shitou is, he has a photographic memory, and he is very quick to learn things, but although Lu Yun has received the message, he has never seen the real thing at all, let alone operated it himself, only vaguely verbal. Under the guidance, the two groped for a long time but still couldn't get in.

It's like someone has read a textbook that teaches how to fly an airplane, but has never seen the actual airplane, let alone tried it. It is simply whimsical to want to be able to fly the airplane at once.

(End of this chapter)

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