Chapter 382 Harmony
"Mr. Yan? Xiaoyun, is Scarlett's mother also your teacher?"

Xia Yuan asked with some doubts. She has met almost all the teachers who have taught Lu Yun since elementary school. Yan Suying is not in her impression?

Everyone was startled by Lu Yun's call, and everyone opened their mouths, including Yan Suying herself.She also looked at Lu Yun in amazement, and after thinking about it for a long time, she still couldn't remember when she taught her, "Why don't I have the memory of teaching you?"

"Mr. Yan, you forgot, Haicheng Sixth Central Primary School. When Mr. Cao in our class gave birth to a child in the fifth grade, you came to take care of our class for two months. Our whole class was taught by you at that time. The charm conquered me, and I think your lectures are very good, and you are also very gentle. It is a pity that you were transferred to another school soon, and our class changed to a new teacher, and the whole class was very sad. Really. I didn't expect you to be Scarlett's mother." Lu Yun explained everyone's confusion with a smile.

"It turns out that's the case, so I just said, how come I don't know the teacher who taught Xiaoyun. I remembered it when Xiaoyun said this. She did come back and mention it at that time, and she kept saying it's a pity. Teacher Yan, I never imagined that after so many years, we Xiaoyun and Scarlett could not only become classmates in the university, but also good friends. The fate between people is really amazing."

Xia Yuan immediately remembered what Lu Yun said, and immediately became even more enthusiastic about Yan Suying. Looking at Feng Sijia during the past two or three days, she felt that she was a good girl, a very polite and well-bred girl, She was very satisfied when she heard that her mother was a teacher.More importantly, this little girl is a rare female friend Xiaoyun has had for many years.

God knows that she didn't have a good classmate or friend for her daughter in Dalian since she was a child, so she worried a lot in private.

"Oh, what a coincidence, Suying and you too, you don't even remember teaching such a good student."

Feng Sijia's aunt slapped her thigh and screamed, not to mention her joy.The relationship between the niece and sister-in-law and the daughter of the Lu family also meant that her son would be more popular with the Lu family.

Xia Yuan could see through her little thoughts at a glance, and smiled, but she didn't feel particularly disgusted.

"I have an impression of what you said, but I really don't have such a deep impression of the classmates in your class back then. Maybe it's because I'm getting old and my memory has faded a lot." Yan Suying laughed at herself.

"This is normal. Teacher Yan, you are full of peaches and plums. You have taught so many students. How can you remember every student clearly in a class that is just a temporary substitute?" Xia Yuan said as a matter of course. The others all nodded.

"I didn't expect my mother to be your teacher. It's a pity. Why didn't we know each other when we were young? Otherwise, we would have been good friends a long time ago." Feng Sijia said to Lu Yun with a bit of melancholy.

"I was quite withdrawn when I was young. If we had known me back then, we would probably be the same as now. We would have to wait until college to communicate more." Lu Yun glanced at her and said solemnly.

"Really, didn't you make friends before?" Feng Sijia was stunned for a while.

"She has been out of gregarious since she was a child, and she knows that she doesn't like to play at all all day long, and she doesn't know who she looks like. I am worried in private because I am afraid that she will be stupid in studying. Fortunately, I have made friends with you when I went to college. " Xia Yuan said angrily at Lu Yun first, and then smiled at Feng Sijia.

"It's a good thing for a child to consciously concentrate on studying. If Scarlett can do the same, she might be able to get a top score in the college entrance examination. Really, I'm too happy for that. It's the same when I make friends when I grow up. In time."

Yan Suying saw a lot of children with various personalities, and also saw a lot of children who were unwilling to study for the sake of playing, and she didn't think there was any problem with a good student like Lu Yun at all.On the contrary, her professional habits made her like such a sensible child who was so focused on studying.

Gradually, she and Xia Yuan started chatting, and Feng Sijia's aunt also chatted a few stitches.

Seeing that they were chatting speculatively, but the topic was not of interest to the two of them, Lu Yun then pulled Feng Sijia to the other side to talk to the two of them.

The Lu family's old house is full of joy and harmony, and the atmosphere of the Su family in Yushu Village is also quite harmonious.

Su Laoliu, who came back from outside, saw Chen Juxiang hunched over at a glance, carrying a bucket of pig food tremblingly to the pigsty, it was very difficult to stop after two steps, and because the pig food was too full , the pig food in the bucket dangled, and a lot of it splashed on her body.

His youngest son and grandson turned a blind eye to the situation on Chen Juxiang's side.

The two were sitting under the eaves, picking their teeth and talking about the dishes of the Lu's Liushui banquet with great interest.Looking at the situation, the two looked like they had just returned from eating.

Su Laoliu didn't think there was anything wrong with his youngest son and grandson. On the contrary, he frowned when he looked at the stinky Chen Juxiang, and scolded dissatisfiedly, "Trash, what's the use of raising you? If you can’t even feed the pigs well, if you let our pigs lose weight, you will be slaughtered and sold at the end of the year.”

Chen Juxiang didn't dare to refute when she heard the words, but trembled fiercely, and didn't dare to stop any longer, after all, she gritted her teeth and took two extra steps before she had to stop to catch her breath, fearing that Su Laoliu would not be alone. Shunyan kicked over as usual.

But today Su Lao Liu was obviously not in the mood to hit anyone, he just came back after a good meal, and he was in a good mood not to be rejected by other people in the village.

These two days were his granddaughter's big day. After all these years, it seems that they haven't done anything out of the ordinary anymore, and they haven't tried to harass Lu Yun.This time, the people from the Lu family showed kindness to them.He also specially called someone in advance to indicate that they could also eat the flowing water banquet, and even explicitly hinted that if they continued to be so informed, they could also grow potatoes in the field and sell them to the Lu Group at a high price in the future.

Just this is enough for Su Lao Liu to be excited, he has a feeling that he has finally made it through.Of course, he wasn't overly excited, he figured out what it meant, and finally asked his family members to go out to eat the water banquet, but in the end he refused to let Chen Juxiang go out too.

He knew that the members of the Lu family hated Chen Juxiang to the core, and decided that they didn't want to see her again.Su Laoliu's idea was approved by the entire Su family. Over the years, everyone felt that the reason why they were hated by the Lu family was because Chen Juxiang was too vicious, and everyone hated her to the core.

In order to prevent Chen Juxiang from thinking about it and running out to do bad things, several members of the Su family consciously took turns staying at home to watch her closely.

Of course, don't ask Chen Juxiang to go out to eat the flowing water banquet, but you can't starve her either.So the family asked Su Laoliu's youngest daughter-in-law to bring a basin out for every meal, and bring back leftovers after eating. This would kill two birds with one stone. Chen Juxiang's eating problem was solved, and the family's pig food was also settled.

"Master, even if you want to kill her and sell her, someone has to be willing to buy it. The rotten smell of her body can't be washed off, it stinks to death, who would dare to eat her body?" After listening to Su Lao Liu His grandson responded with a smile.

"Don't be so open-mouthed when you go to the children's house. Don't say that outside. You are old enough to start a family. Don't be heard to say that you can't marry a wife if you have any bad words."

At the door, the youngest daughter-in-law of Su Laoliu came in with a large bowl of leftovers, just in time to hear her son say that, so she casually gave a warning.

(End of this chapter)

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