Chapter 96
It is definitely not wrong for a man to be filial, but the man who is not filial is really terrible.But being filial to your parents doesn’t mean you have to be on the opposite side of your own daughter-in-law. Many daughter-in-laws don’t object to being filial to their parents-in-law. What they object to is foolish filial piety.

The kind of people who don't have a small family in their hearts, no daughter-in-law or even children, will be a disaster to others when they get married.

So in an instant, Xia Yuan's impression of Xie Chang was not bad at all plummeted.

"I'll go tomorrow too." Shito suddenly interjected.

"No, apart from Ai Bing and my eldest brother-in-law. There are too many people, it seems like we are bullying him because of the number of people." Lu Aiguo refused.It had been a long time since he had fought with anyone, and he was already gearing up and eager to try.

"You stay at home, the people of the Su family haven't solved it yet. By the way, the second aunt and the fourth younger siblings will come over tomorrow to help pickle the wild pork and deal with the things we harvested. Xiaoyun remembers to take the things first Come out a little bit. I asked them to cook here directly, and by the way, I asked my second uncle to come over at noon. The second uncle also said to help buy a bus ticket, and it is estimated that we will be able to leave for Haicheng within two or three days."

"Okay." Lu Yun responded obediently.

"If he really doesn't know how to repent, he might as well ask Second Sister to divorce and follow us to Haicheng. Anyway, if he continues like this, Second Sister will not have any happiness at all in the rest of her life. It's just that the two children are the most miserable."

Xia Yuan lowered her voice as she spoke.Yes, how can a mother not think about her children?She has suffered the same, so she can best understand the distress.

"Second sister is so pitiful." Xia Yuan burst into tears.

"Don't worry, I will warn Xie Changgen face to face. He has been given a chance. If he doesn't know how to repent, then don't blame us for supporting the second sister's divorce. At that time, neither the second uncle nor the second aunt will be able to do it." Make peace again."

Seeing his daughter-in-law crying because of this, Lu Aiguo felt very distressed.Slowly tell some of grandpa's ideas to his daughter-in-law.

The family tradition of the Lu family has always been that of Grandpa Lu, choosing a daughter-in-law carefully, and then giving her absolute respect.

There is another point, if the married girl is not comfortable, then the natal family must give the greatest support, even if it is pointed at by others, as long as the girl decides to take it back, anyway, you can’t let your own girl stay in the husband’s house. The family was wronged.

He actually knew the reason for this.He was closest to his grandfather when he was a child, and he heard his grandfather confess more than once, repenting that he had caused his grandmother to suffer half his life.When he finally came to his senses later, his grandma disappeared early.So grandpa often lamented that a woman's life is far more bitter than a man's.

Therefore, he is a father and mother, and he began to consciously guide his two sons when he was educating his children: If he wants to live a comfortable life, his parents should be filial, but the small family must also be taken care of.And there is no conflict between the two.What he taught his children and grandchildren is that if there are problems with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, then there must be more problems with being a man.Only by looking for problems from yourself can you be able to have a happy family and everything.

Of course, this principle does not apply to everyone.People can only reason with those who are willing to reason. To those who are unwilling to reason, it will be futile even if you talk about it.It's better to make two breakups as early as possible, even if you can't break up for a while, you have to find a way to break up.

"What the ancients said is true, it is true; a villain has no faults, but a gentleman often has faults."

Xia Yuan sighed, indeed all the wise men were hiding among the people.Although grandpa made mistakes in the first half of his life, he is definitely called a wise man just because he realized it and finally had the courage to admit that he had the courage to use it to teach his children and grandchildren.He deserves to be respected forever by future generations.

"A villain never makes mistakes, but a gentleman makes mistakes all the time."

Lu Aiguo savored this sentence carefully, Shitou and Lu Yun couldn't help chewing on this sentence, and both looked at Xia Yuan.None of them had heard this sentence before, so they naturally didn't understand what it meant, but they found it surprisingly pleasant to their ears.

"There is an allusion to it. It is said that once upon a time there were two families, one was noisy all day long, and the other was just the opposite. The whole family was laughing all day long, and there was no noise."

"Later, the noisy family couldn't take it anymore, so they asked the laughing family, what was the secret to not quarreling? The owner of the laughing family was at a loss, bit to death and said there was no secret. "

"Just when the noisy family was about to return home disappointed, I saw the daughter-in-law of the family who had been laughing all day fell down. The mother-in-law of that family saw it and said quickly, oops, it's all because I didn't wipe the floor. Do it. The son of that family was even annoyed when he came out to see it. I should be the one to blame. I just forgot to remind you that there is water on the ground when I saw it just now. In the end, the daughter-in-law who fell got up and said, no blame at all. You guys, I walked without looking at the road."

"In the end, the noisy family seemed to understand that if the daughter-in-law fell and complained about the water on the ground, and the mother-in-law also complained that the daughter-in-law didn't look at the road when she walked, the final result would be completely different."

"After returning home, the noisy family also began to slowly change their habit of always blaming others for doing wrong things. Instead of looking for mistakes from themselves. In the end, the family gradually became laughing. So this is Call, villains are not wrong, gentlemen often pass."

Xia Yuan finished speaking carefully with a melancholy expression.This is what my father used to say when he was still there.

At that time, my parents were still alive, and the three of them didn't have a family yet. They spent most of their time together with each other happily, but occasionally they would argue.Every time there was a dispute in the family, my father would say this sentence and tell this story intentionally or unintentionally.Then their brothers and sisters will consciously start self-reflection.

In the vicissitudes of life, the father, mother, and younger brother have been away for many years, and finally only the two sisters are left.

"In the future, we will also write all these in our family motto, so that the children and grandchildren will pass it on from generation to generation." Lu Aiguo saw the disappointment on his daughter-in-law's face. Knowing this, this story probably touched her.He couldn't help hugging her distressedly.This time Xia Yuan was immersed in her memories, she didn't notice Lu Aiguo's actions at all, so naturally she didn't push him away in time.

When she recovered and came to her senses, Lu Aiguo quickly let go, making Xia Yuan angry and funny, and even the disappointment in her heart dissipated a lot.

The dead are gone, and the living should live happily ever after.Now that she and her elder sister have their own little families and their closest relatives, if the father, mother and younger brother see it, they must be relieved
"It's getting late, let's all go to bed early." Xia Yuan was completely speechless at Lu Aiguo's behavior, and also had a little bit of secret joy. It was impossible for her to be ruthless and really angry with him.She had no choice but to turn her head away from looking at him, and instead said to Lu Yun and Shitou.

(End of this chapter)

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