stunning female tenant

Chapter 263 Fantasy Practice

Chapter 263 Fantasy Practice
The old man smiled embarrassingly: "Maybe I'm blind. After all, the eyes are just right. You are almost a popular face, and you can't be called a popular lover."

After the whole family had lunch, Ouyang Yude led Xu Xiangbei to a small forest behind the villa.

Ouyang Yude smiled and said: "I am so grateful to you, fourth brother, thank you for curing my father-in-law's eyes. I don't have anything to give you. It's too vulgar to give money, and it's too tasteless to give gifts. Why don't I give four How about passing on the practice of Shuangfei Tiedan to you? Treat it as our meeting gift."

Xu Xiangbei slid his hands lightly, and a pair of shiny iron galls slipped from his sleeves to his palms. He asked in surprise, "Are you talking about such iron galls?"

Ouyang Yude showed admiring eyes: "Look at your movements along the iron gallbladder. You are proficient and quick, and you are a bit hot. Did you learn from my third brother? He is used to it."

Xu Xiangbei nodded in conviction. Ouyang Yude was right. The double-flying iron gall he knows now is all based on the moves taught by Ouyang Yufei, but he has improved a few moves.

During the battle with Chen Baichuan, he increased the double-click from one fly to three strikes from one fly, split the left and right into up and down, and defeated Chen Baichuan terribly.

The more he studied Shuangfei Tiedan, the more he found that Shuangfei Tiedan had many coincidences with his "Prime Ancient Classic".

The moves taught by Ouyang Yufei are only very basic moves, but Shuangfei Tiedan has countless moves that can evolve in actual combat.

Just like between heaven and earth, there was chaos at the beginning of the ancient times, chaos gave birth to Taiji, Taiji gave birth to Liangyi, Yangyi gave birth to four phenomena, and the evolution is endless.

Controlling four iron guts is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

In the past, with two iron guts, one only needed to consider the two-dimensional attack formed by the points, lines, and surfaces of the iron guts, but now it has four iron guts, and it is necessary to calculate the attack angle and maneuvering method of the iron guts from the perspective of three-dimensional space.

Turning two iron guts into four requires not only profound skills, skilled combat skills, but also a smart mind.

"It's already very difficult to control two, can you really control as many as four?"

Seeing Xu Xiangbei's longing and fearful expression, Ouyang Yude smiled smugly.

In front of Xu Xiangbei, he also has the capital to show off, which is a very gratifying thing.

He touched his Mediterranean-style bald head, and said with a chuckle: "Haha, of course I can, if not, how can I do it? Among the three of us, Xiaofei is the most proficient in boxing, and Xiaojian can do both. I'm not proficient in both. I can't punch or kick, but I can hit four iron guts."

Turning his hands over, Ouyang Yude's palms were already holding four shiny iron galls.

There are silver threads running through the middle of the four iron galls, which are respectively tied between the fingers.

Ouyang Yude tipped his toes, and a shiny steel pipe flew towards Xu Xiangbei: "You attack me with a steel pipe, and I'll let you see what it's like to have four iron gallbladders flying together."

Four light spots danced quickly, turning into a light wheel around Ouyang Yude, like an airtight perpetual motion machine, wrapping him heavily in it, and Ouyang Yude was the exhausted little white mouse in the perpetual motion machine.

Xu Xiangbei's eyes were dazzled, trying to see the trajectory of the small iron ball, but found that there was no trace at all, as if dancing into a chaotic star map of the Milky Way.

"Then be careful, I'm about to hit you."

Xu Xiangbei raised the steel pipe in his hand and hit Ouyang Yude's shoulder fiercely. He didn't use all his strength, fearing that Ouyang Yude would not be able to catch it, even if he was hit by the steel pipe, he would not be hurt.

However, the steel pipe in his hand was about to hit Ouyang Yude's shoulder, but there was a sound of gold and iron jingling, and the steel pipe bounced back.

Xu Xiangbei continued to swing the steel pipe and hit Ouyang Yude with more force, ding, ding, the steel pipe was continuously hit back by the iron ball, playing a crisp and melodious symphony of gold and iron.

The more he hit, the more frightened he became. Xu Xiangbei had hit more than 70 clubs continuously, and was hit back by the iron ball every time.

A flash of surprise flashed across Xu Xiangbei's face. The biggest effect of the four iron gallbladders is to build a seamless defense system. Theoretically, if Ouyang Yude moves fast enough, let alone use steel pipes, he can use them as a weapon. If the basin of water is poured in, Ouyang Yude will not splash a drop of water on his body.

Although that is just a theoretical idea, isn't everything in the world a process of proof from theory to practice?
Ding ding ding, Ouyang Yude put away the four iron eggs, and beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

Although Xu Xiangbei didn't swing the steel pipe with all his strength, he was secretly startled. His four iron gallbladders were almost knocked away by the steel pipe.

Ouyang Yude carefully taught Xu Xiangbei how to tie the four iron gall ropes. They were tied on different fingers, whether they were tied frontally or backwards, whether they were tied in the palm of the hand or the back of the hand. Effect.

Ouyang Yude is like a tireless mentor, every word he said makes Xu Xiangbei suddenly realize that there are many problems that Ouyang Yufei said that he didn't understand, and he immediately understood and solved them under Ouyang Yude's instructions.

It's like a high school student who enters a university, waits for a while, and looks back at his high school studies. There are many problems that he didn't understand, and he will understand them naturally.

From the conversation, Xu Xiangbei learned that Ouyang Yude is also a doctor of mathematics from Harvard University in the United States. No wonder he uses many mathematical ways of thinking, but thinks about martial arts, which makes Xu Xiangbei feel refreshed.

Ouyang Yude also taught him a fantasy practice method of playing the piano.

Stretch your hand in the air, focus your attention, let your mind imagine that there are four small balls in your hand, and then dance your fingers quickly.

The most important thing in practicing Sifei Tiedan is imagination and creativity, allowing the mind to break through the limits of physical strength and create a new realm of martial arts.

At the beginning, Xu Xiangbei felt that this fantasy practice was childish and ridiculous, holding his hands high and waving his fingers in the air, like a madman practicing ballet.

But when his mind was immersed in it, and the four iron guts in his mind began to change endlessly, he couldn't help waving his fingers crazily.

He felt that the four iron gallbladders had turned into four avatars of himself, and four of Xu Xiangbei were dancing the iron gallbladders together. This fantasy training method coincided with a meditation reminder in the "Prime Ancient Classic".

Xu Xiangbei has never understood the effect of this meditation reminder, but after learning Ouyang Yude's fantasy training method, a bright light suddenly flashed in his heart, which made him blessed to the soul and had a profound understanding.

When he was completely immersed in the fantasy training method, he felt that he was not standing in the grove, but in the nebula at the beginning of chaos, the four iron galls turned into four shooting stars, evolving in the Ganges of time .

(End of this chapter)

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