Chapter 443

It was Zhou Zixu who raised his hand, but his movements were extremely fast, and the purpose was obvious, that is to let Lu Sihui see him.

Her smile and the way she looked over made Zhou Zixu almost jump up. He smiled brightly at her and saluted silently.

He felt that this meeting was too hasty, and he began to miss her before she left, and really hoped to keep her by his side.

Zhou Zisong also saw Lu Sihui's smile. From the direction of her salute, he knew who she was saying goodbye to, and felt a little uncomfortable.

As the car drove away, Zhou Zixu kept watching the car disappear before taking it back, feeling empty in his heart, looking forward to seeing each other next time.

I hope that he will get the first one back in May as soon as possible, and then propose to her, and we will be together in an open and honest manner, and we will never have to miss you every day without seeing you, and drink the water of the Yangtze River together.

"All of them, turn back, run."

Zhou Zisong let out a roar from his dantian, wasting time watching the performance and affecting training.

The team members returned to the playground again, full of enthusiasm, each of them seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and they had endless energy.

When the female players returned to the publicity team, Zhou Yanhong held a general meeting and brought Zhao Yuying to the front in front of everyone to criticize in public.

Announced the result: "Comrade Zhao Yuying lied and framed her comrades. The circumstances are bad. Now she will be expelled."

As soon as the result of this sentence was announced, Zhao Yuying just sat on the ground and struggled to get into the propaganda team, so she was fired?

Going back to that remote place surrounded by mountains, it would be better to let her die in the work unit!

"I didn't lie. I really saw it. If I responded, I would be fired. I refused to accept it. If I saw something wrong in the future, who would dare to respond?"

Seeing that team member Zhou was disbanding the team, she jumped up suddenly. Anyway, she was about to be fired, and she wanted to make the last effort for herself.

Looking at team member Zhou aggressively, as if she was protecting Lu Sihui.

"Zhou Zixu is your nephew, so this is why you fired me."

What I said was heartbreaking, and Zhou Yanhong's impartial handling was directly described as reporting a personal grievance.

"Zhao Yuying, you are still quibbling here, you lied that your elder brother is in the security department, what happened! Where is he?"

Teacher Huang saw that this person was unrepentant, and he was still arguing. She was so angry that she pointed to her nose and questioned him.

"My elder brother is the iron-blooded man in the unit, I'm not lying."

Zhao Yuying straightened her neck. At this time, she was doing her best, and there was no way out.

Fang Fang didn't go to the Chengwen Propaganda Team, so she was really angry in her heart.

Especially when she didn't go, Zhao Yuying, a dead girl, did go, and she went without telling her, so she was determined to deal with her.

But now that she heard that she was going to be expelled, that tone came out like this. She looked at Zhao Yuying gloatingly, and she came in playing tricks. Isn't she kicked out now?
Too relieved, too happy.

"Report, there is a handsome guy at the door who told Zhao Yuying that he was her brother."

During the stalemate, a comrade from the guard came to report. Zhou Yanhong's fingers were trembling with anger, but Zhao Yuying publicly revealed her relationship with Zhou Zixu. If she insisted on using her to frame Lu Sihui and fire her, there would really be someone in the team Think she is reporting a personal grievance.

Don't look at the relationship on the surface, but she knows in her heart that the vice captain and other people are all staring at her!

If this matter is not handled well, she will be called by her superiors to have a conversation with a report letter.

When she heard that Zhao Yuying's brother was coming, she had no choice but to let him in. If it was proved that Zhao Yuying had lied, then she could use this reason to fire Zhao Yuying.

"Let him go to the office, Vice Captain Jiang, and Political Commissar Qiao come over."

(End of this chapter)

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