The pretty daughter-in-law of the rebirth era

Chapter 2662 I Have 5 Children 125

Chapter 2662 I Have Five Sons 125
Tu Jiamin blinked her eyes shyly, "What... What suggestion?"

"Don't call me Mr. Feng, call me by my name!"

He stares intently at people, with stars in his eyes, as if you are his most important person in the whole world.

Watching Tu Jiamin's heart beat violently.

"This... this is a bit inappropriate!" He, he, he... said that, does he like me?
The face is too hot.

It has been two years since the last relationship. Is she going to leave the single after a long drought?
The thought of this possibility made her heart beat faster.

There was a smile in Feng Song's eyes, "It's just a name, there's nothing wrong with it. By the way, don't you mind if I call you Jiamin?"

Tu Jiamin shook his head quickly, "I don't mind."

"Then do this. You call me Feng Song, and I call you Jia Min. Are you free tonight? I want to treat you to dinner."

When Tu Jiamin heard it, she raised her head and met his tender eyes, and her heart was bursting with joy.

Sure, he really meant what she thought.

She smiled shyly, "Of course..."

Before the two words could be said, the lights in the elevator suddenly flashed twice and then went out.

Then the elevator shook several times.

Tu Jiamin didn't expect that the elevator would break down again, she was shocked, and the ambiguous atmosphere disappeared all of a sudden.

"What... what's going on?"

Feng Song's voice in the dark is very soothing.

"Don't be afraid, I'll ring the emergency bell first."

It's a pity that before he could press the emergency button, the elevator suddenly fell down very fast.

The sudden dangerous change and the sense of weightlessness made Tu Jiamin scream instinctively: "Ah... ah..."

She thought with great fear, is she going to die today?She is not married yet and has no children.

At this moment, she was hugged into a warm embrace, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

In just a few words, Tu Jiamin fell into the trap.

In this extremely dangerous situation, a man who can protect her... She cannot miss it.

Of course, as long as they can live today.

At this moment, the descending elevator stopped.

"Okay, it's all right." Feng Song patted Tu Jiamin's back and said softly.

He didn't let her go, and Tu Jiamin didn't push him away, because she felt that she needed a sense of security very much at this time.

And this sense of security comes from him.

Within 2 minutes, the lights in the elevator came on.

Feng Song looked at the floor displayed by the number, and said: "The elevator should have dropped two floors just now."

He spoke again, and Tu Jiamin was too embarrassed to stay in his arms anymore, and besides, the lights here were all on at this time.

So he withdrew from his embrace, "Oh, fortunately, it's okay, I don't know if people outside have noticed something is wrong here."

"I must have found it." Feng Song said, his eyes flashed past her blushing face.

He reached out to press the elevator, but unfortunately it didn't open, "This fault is not fixed, the master who needs to repair the elevator has come to repair it."

When Tu Jiamin heard this, he became nervous again, "This elevator won't fall any more?"

Feng Song glanced at her, and said slowly, "No, you don't have to worry."

Tu Jiamin breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

She is still young, and she hasn't seen enough flowers and plants in this world, and she wants to live a good life until old age.

By the way, have another child to play with...

(End of this chapter)

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