The pretty daughter-in-law of the rebirth era

Chapter 2921 The girlfriend who was forcibly snatched over 45

Chapter 2921 The girlfriend who was forcibly snatched over 45
"Ask me about this, how would I know? I spend the same amount of time with you and Qin Yichuan, and besides, I haven't been with him 24 hours a day, have I?" Xiao Li excelled at pretending to be stupid.

"By the way, let me ask you, why do you think like this? Did someone tell you something?"

"Xiao Li, if you really know about the two of them, it would be meaningless if you kept it from me, and none of our friends would have to do it."

After Nie Zhe finished speaking, he hung up the phone, quickly got up, washed his face and brushed his teeth, picked up the car keys and mobile phone, and rushed outside.

When he went downstairs, Mrs. Nie was sitting on the sofa and saw her son coming down in a hurry with an ugly face, so she called out, "Nie Zhe, where are you going?"

Nie Zhe didn't answer her, just rushed out, then drove his own car, and left Nie's house...

Seeing that Nie Zhe hung up the phone, Xiao Li groaned inwardly, and quickly called Qin Yichuan.

The other end of the phone rang for a while before he was picked up, and he said directly: "Brother Chuan, it's no good, that guy Nie Zhe knew about you prying his corner, so he probably ran to you right now, you Seek blessings for yourself, be careful."

The newspaper's letter has been reported, and the rest is none of his business.

Qin Yichuan put away his phone, met Rong Yuxin's eyes, coughed, and said, "Xinxin, that Rong Zhen may have told Nie Zhe about you and me, this guy misunderstood the relationship between the two of us." At this moment, he probably came over to question."

When Rong Yuxin heard this, she couldn't help but sneered, "Don't say that the two of us are not related, even if we are related, it's his turn to question? What qualifications does he have?"

A light flashed in Qin Yichuan's eyes, and he nodded in agreement with her words, "You are right, he is indeed not qualified to question the relationship between the two of us." Then he added, "Don't worry, I will handle this matter well, and I won't let you He appeared before you."

Rong Yuxin didn't say anything, she quickly finished her breakfast.

This was cooked by Qin Yichuan, so he just stayed here.

Seeing that she had finished eating, Qin Yichuan also quickly cleaned up what was left in his bowl, "Go and sit over there, I'll take care of the rest of the work here."

Without giving Rong Yuxin a chance to refuse, he quickly cleaned up the dishes, and then took them to the dishwasher in the kitchen to wash...

I wanted to do it for a while, but at this time his mobile phone rang again, took it out to look at the number on it, and then said to Rong Yuxin: "Xinxin, I'll go first."

Then he walked out and picked up the phone when he returned to his home. Before he could speak, Nie Zhe's angry voice came over.

"Qin Yichuan, I just want to ask you one thing, you and Rong Yuxin... are you serious?"

Qin Yichuan sat on the sofa, raised his legs, and kept swaying. He said lightly, "Nie Zhe, what capacity are you questioning me now?"

When Nie Zhe heard his words, his heart turned cold. He thought Qin Yichuan would deny it.

Now it seems that he admitted it.

The anger on his face became more intense, his eyes were filled with gloom, he gritted his teeth and said, "Qin Yichuan, how could you do this? I'm your brother..."

(End of this chapter)

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