Chapter 811 Doubt
Qin Xue didn't like seeing him very much.

"I said, second brother, you knew this earlier, so why did you do it in the first place? If you weren't for my second brother, I would really be too lazy to care about your crap."

Qin Yilin immediately smiled flatteringly at her, "Sister, don't be like this, we both bleed the same way, you should help your second brother well."

Qin Xue glared at him and stopped talking. As the second brother, she has no other skills, but it is a fact that she is really thick-skinned.

Yang Xingcai actually doesn't like his wife getting in touch with this brother-in-law very much, maybe he will be tricked.

So he pushed his wife, "Okay, Qin Xue, mother is still working in the kitchen by herself, you should hurry over and help."

Qin Xue also came back for a long time, so she followed her will and walked towards the small kitchen.

Looking at the person who was busy on the stove, she immediately said, "Mom, I'll help you."

Mrs. Liu glanced at her and asked, "Why didn't you bring my niece here this time?"

I don't know what's going on with this generation. The youngest in their family is only the niece.

Thinking of the eldest son and the second son, I still sighed in my heart.I really don't know what kind of crime this is, but these two are divorced.

Because of this, the old couple couldn't hold their heads up in the village. I don't know how many of those gossip behind their backs. This one can still talk about the son's problem. These two are divorced. Those people must say This is their old couple's problem.

"It's too small, so it's inconvenient to bring it here. Anyway, someone at home is taking it, so it's fine." Qin Xue said nonchalantly.

"Your mother-in-law is taking it?" Liu asked.

As soon as her mother-in-law was mentioned, Qin Xue's expression faded a bit, "Of course she brought it, she gave her job to the young daughter-in-law, and she is at home every day, if she doesn't have children, then why go?"

For her mother-in-law to give her job to the third child's family, she was quite unhappy in her heart.

Why?That job can obviously be given to her, and it is also more diligent and capable than the one in the third family. If that job is given to her, then within a few years, she will definitely have a higher position in it. Not to mention anything else, it shouldn't be a problem to get a workshop director Dangdang, she is very confident in her ability.

Mrs. Liu glanced at her daughter, then lowered her voice, "Be nice to your mother-in-law, don't put on a ladylike face in front of your mother-in-law all day long. Son-in-law is not bad."

Qin Xue curled her lips noncommittally, if it wasn't for her husband, she would have already had a fight with that mother-in-law.

Not wanting to talk about this matter again, she changed the topic, "Mother, what's going on with Chuanzi?"

As soon as Liu Shi heard her question, her eyes sharpened a little, "What's going on, did you hear your second brother gossip again?"

"Mother, don't hide it from us, isn't Chuanzi really from our family?" Qin Xue was also shocked when she heard the news.

I don't believe it at all. You have to know that your parents have been kind to Qin Yichuan since childhood, so they can see it in their eyes. They are simply the treasures in the hearts of the old couple.

Their brothers and sisters are simply incomparable.No one ever suspected that it was not his own.

(End of this chapter)

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