Nongmen red bean is the most acacia

Chapter 232 Scallion Pancake and Boiled Egg

Chapter 232 Scallion Pancake and Boiled Egg

In the early morning of the next day, Hong Dou and Gu Zian had already packed their things and headed to the village.

Originally, Hongdou was thinking that moving the household registration is a big event, so Gu Changping should also go together.

However, Gu Changping said that Xu Yibai would just go with the two of them.

Seeing that Gu Changping has made up his mind, Hongdou doesn't say anything more, it doesn't matter if he goes with anyone, as long as he can get things done.

Hong Dou and Gu Zian walked side by side towards the village, all the way to the door of Xu's house.

From a distance, the Xu family was also pitch-black.

But at the gate of Xu's house, a mule cart was parked there, and Xu Yibai was sitting in the driver's seat.

Seeing the two people coming, Xu Yibai greeted them in a low voice, telling them to sit up quickly, and they set off.

Hongdou and Gu Zian climbed into the mule cart, sat down respectively, and talked to Xu Yibai, and Xu Yibai waved his whip.

The mule cart moved forward slowly, and Hongdou had time to look at the cart.

This is actually similar to the cart used by Gu Zian, except that it is wider and longer, making it more convenient for sitting or pulling things.

Of course, it was still far from the carriages that Hongdou had seen in TV dramas in her previous life. Not only did she not have a shed to keep out the wind and rain, she didn't even have a place to lean on.

Although there are handrails on both sides, they are too short, and the handrails made of wood are really awkward.

In addition, the road surface is not smooth, and the wheels are made of wood, without tires, so it is very bumpy to walk. Hongdou is sitting on the car, and it is also swaying with the body.

After persisting for a while, Hongdou simply moved her buttocks and sat next to Gu Zian.

Two people leaning together, at least they can support each other!
Anyway, the two of them have their names fixed now, and they are still young, so there is no need to avoid it too much.

The mule cart staggered along, not fast, but it was much better than walking.

The three of them had no intention of talking along the way, Hongdou leaned on Gu Zian's shoulder, and it was unknown whether it was because she was too sleepy or just being swayed, but she soon fell asleep anyway.

Gu Zian heard Hongdou's breathing gradually stabilized, turned his head slightly, and saw that Hongdou's eyes were closed, so he adjusted his posture slightly so that Hongdou's sleep would not be so uncomfortable.

When Hongdou woke up, she felt that the sunlight in front of her eyes was a bit dazzling. She raised her hand to cover her eyes, and it took a while to adapt to the light and opened her eyes.

Seeing that the sun had already flooded the earth, Hong Dou reckoned the time, and it should have been around eight or nine o'clock.

They set off at four o'clock in the morning, and now four or five hours have passed.

Hongdou rubbed her stomach, feeling a little hungry.

Although he got up early in the morning, Gu Changping still prepared meals for them.

Fifteen scallion pancakes and ten boiled eggs.

She and Gu Zian ate a pancake and a boiled egg, but only had two sips of porridge.

It's not that Gu Changping cooks too little porridge, but because he is afraid that if he drinks too much porridge, it will be inconvenient on the road.

After all, there are no public toilets on the road at this time, and solving physiological problems in the open air is really a challenge for Hongdou.

Especially when there are two men with her.

Although I didn't drink porridge, the red beans still brought a bamboo tube, which was warm boiled water.

In case the thirst is unbearable along the way, always drink a sip.

In addition to water, the remaining scallion pancakes and boiled eggs were also brought, wrapped in a clean cloth, and placed in a small bamboo basket.

(End of this chapter)

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