Chapter 422 Issued
After a while, Xu Ziqing stood up and spoke.

He first waved his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, then cleared his throat and said, "Everyone, be quiet, don't crowd and scramble. If someone's name is called in a while, the whole family will come over, and the things are given according to the head! "

Xu Ziqing repeated this three times, making sure that everyone present heard it, and then walked back to the yamen servant.

There are quite a lot of people in the mountain village, two or three hundred families, every family lined up to put things according to the hair of the people, and it took a full day to finish it.

What Hongdou didn't expect was that even when it was lunch time, these officers and soldiers had no intention of stopping to rest, let alone eat.

Not only them, even those who didn't receive anything, didn't mean to go home to eat first.

Hongdou secretly went to ask Wang Cuicui if she was hungry, but Wang Cuicui shook her head, "There is nothing to do in winter, just stay on the kang all day, and eating two meals a day is enough."

Hongdou's eyes widened when he heard that.

It's so cold in winter, you need to eat more to feel warm!
But Hongdou didn't say that.

After listening to Wang Cuicui's words, she also understood that it is normal for someone like Wang Cuicui to eat two meals a day.

It is not normal for them to eat all kinds of snacks and snacks in addition to three meals a day at home.

Hongdou, who had been an abnormal person for so long, also kept her mouth shut. She only hoped that her name would be called soon, and she could get her things so that she could go home quickly.

After the excitement passed, it was really cold to stand on the threshing floor!
The surrounding area was empty, and the cold wind mixed with snowflakes could not stop flying, falling on the head, face, and body, and even getting into the neck, so cold that people's bones were cold.

For some reason, as the number of people on the threshing ground gradually decreased, Xu Ziqing never called out to the Wang family and the Gu family.

It wasn't until the time when the Wang family and the Gu family were alone on the threshing floor that Hongdou and the others understood that Xu Ziqing did it on purpose.

He purposely lets everyone else go and makes them wait till the end.

After understanding this, Hongdou was not angry anymore, but felt that Xu Ziqing was a little hard to explain.

Such a little trick is really despised.

Xu Ziqing looked at the threshing ground where only the Gu family and the Wang family were left, feeling secretly proud.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't continue to procrastinate, and he couldn't waste the time of the officials and officers and soldiers, he would have wanted to continue procrastinating until dark!

It makes the Gu family suffer for a day, and he is happy just thinking about it.

As for the Wang family, since the Wang family is willing to help the Gu family, they should suffer together with the Gu family.

Xu Ziqing felt a little pity that Gu Changping and others could not continue to suffer, and he did not dare to delay calling Wang Tiezhu's name.

Forget it, let Gu Changping, Xu Yibai and the others wait a little longer!
When it was the turn of the four of Hongdou to pass, it was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

It gets dark early in winter, and it is already late at this time, and the temperature is lower than during the day.

After standing outside for a day, my whole body was frozen and it was difficult to take a step.

The clerk with the pen glanced at Hongdou and Gu Zian, and understood what was going on in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

"Twenty catties of grain, one catty of cotton, and one foot of cloth for each adult man, and ten catties of grain, half a catty of cotton, and half a foot of cloth for each child."

Following his words, officers and soldiers handed the corresponding things to Hongdou and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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