Chapter 842 Able to leave the house (Part 1)
More said that it takes time to make an appointment with a doctor, ranging from three to five days to more than ten days, let Hongdou wait patiently.

Anyway, there is already a clue, and Hongdou is not in such a hurry.

As the wound scabs over, the wound begins to itch.

Hongdou couldn't help but want to reach out to buckle and scratch, but Gu Zian stopped him in time every time.

If the scab is removed, the scab will form again, which will only delay the recovery time.

Hongdou also understands this, but she can't control the itching.

The itching of the wound and the boredom of being idle in the house made Hongdou feel a little depressed in his heart, and he couldn't help but want to lose his temper many times.

In order not to lose his temper with Gu Zian and the others, Hongdou refused to let them enter the house.

Maybe Gu Changping and Xu Yibai could be stopped, but Gu Zian couldn't be stopped.

Gu Zian said in a serious manner, "It is because you are not feeling well now that I should be by your side. Otherwise, what do you want me to do?"

Regarding Gu Zian's words, Hongdou had no way to refute, so she had to let Gu Zian stay with her in the room.

It turns out that two people are indeed much better than one.

At least Gu Zian was here, so he could stop her from scratching her wound, and he could also accompany her to relieve boredom.

There are many things that two people can do together, not to mention drawing, playing chess, reading and writing, but also studying the furniture styles of their wedding room together.

There was something to do, which attracted most of Hongdou's attention, and before he knew it, all the scabs on the wound fell off.

After the injury is fully healed, it will be covered by thick hair, which is not at all, and there is no need to worry about disfigurement or anything.

It was already the end of November, and Hongdou hadn't left the Gu's house for nearly a month.

Staying in the house for a month, either eating or sleeping, not only recovered a lot of energy and blood, but even his face became fatter.

Looking at her rosy and round face in the mirror, Hong Dou didn't even recognize herself.

Why are you getting fat again!

Gu Zian was indeed very satisfied, "Finally it doesn't look so empty, but I still need to continue to mend it."

The red beans were full of tears.

Is it just not so imaginary?This is completely fat, okay!

Anyone who sees her face will not feel that she is weak!
Although she has resentment towards her figure, being able to go out is even more attractive to Hongdou.

I don't know what Wang Cuicui has been up to lately, but he hasn't come here for the past half month.

Now that Hongdou can go out, she just wants to see her.

Knowing that Hongdou wanted to go to Wang's house, Gu Zian didn't stop him, but he wanted to go with him.

What Li Langzhong said at the beginning was not alarmist, Hongdou is indeed a little afraid of the cold now.

I didn't feel it when I was in the house, but as soon as I went out of the house, I shivered from the cold.

But obviously she was wearing the same thick clothes as before.

Gu Zian walked up to Hongdou and touched her hand, it was cold, which made Gu Zian frown.

Before Hongdou could say anything, Gu Zian entered the room, opened Hongdou's closet, and took a thick cloak from it.

The bright red cloak trimmed with rabbit fur was draped over her body, and the red bean's face was even more pale and rosy, which made people feel happy.

Gu Zian looked Hongdou up and down, and was satisfied with Hongdou's current appearance, so he took Hongdou's hand and went out together.

In the past month, there have been several heavy and light snowfalls. The snow on the ground has hardly melted, and people will make creaking noises when walking on it.

The two walked slowly all the way, and as soon as they entered the village, they found that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the village.

(End of this chapter)

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