Chapter 903 Guess
After Mo Wan finished speaking, she looked at Su Xincheng behind Su Ning, "Su Xincheng, you are not very smart, but you have a good life."

"Xu Sheng has indeed done a lot for you, and it has exceeded our expectations."

Mo Wan said this from the bottom of her heart.

She envied Su Xincheng and was also jealous.


Su Ning caught the loophole in Mo Wan's words.

"Mrs. Jiang, you touched my mother's cell phone. Could it be that you were with someone else!"

"In this 'us', there is nothing but you!"

Su Ning's sharpness made Mo Wan panic, she was too afraid to speak.

"Is it Lu Feng?"

Su Ning asked.

Su Xincheng also looked at Mo Wan, apparently believing Su Ning's words.

"Don't talk nonsense here." Mo Wan became anxious, "This matter has nothing to do with Brother Feng."

"I was jealous of your mother, so I moved her mobile phone again to make the man she transferred the money to, and there were some call messages."

"I did it all by myself."

Mo Wan explained in such a hurry, the more unbelievable it was.


Su Ning responded with a drawn out voice, she stood up, her smiling face made Mo Wan very confused.

This means believing her words, or not!
"Madam Jiang, let me guess, is there another version?"

Su Ning looked into Mo Wan's eyes, the smile on her face faded, and the coldness in her eyes gradually leaked out.

"There is no other version!"

Mo Wan hurriedly replied.

"Su Ning, Lu Feng has been taking care of your mother and daughter secretly for so many years, you shouldn't doubt him."

These years, without Lu Feng, Su Xincheng in Nancheng would not have had such a good life.

"I know."

Su Ning nodded, "Lu Feng is good to my mother."

"However, that was my past opinion."

"Now I find that no one can see Lu Feng clearly."

The more she knew about Lu Feng, the more Su Ning hated him.

A man marries a wife and has never been responsible to his wife.

He has an illegitimate daughter outside and uses the woman he likes to do things for him.

On the other side, he acted like an infatuated man, but secretly did something that hurt Su Xincheng.

"Su Ning!"

Mo Wan shouted sharply, "You dare to touch Lu Feng, try!"

"I can't move him!"

Su Ning replied in a deep voice, "If he did nothing wrong!"

"Mrs. Jiang, you won't be able to stay here for long. I think Lu Feng will come to rescue you soon."

"My father means to fulfill you."

"I also think this is very good, at least it will fulfill the dream of one of you."

As Su Ning said, she had already walked to the door.

Mo Wan thought that the conversation was over here, but she saw that Su Ning standing at the door didn't move.

Then, Su Ning's voice came in coldly.

"You moved my mother's cell phone, and Lu Feng did the same."

"That night, you should have seen the message from Jiang Yun on my mother's phone first, and you called Lu Feng immediately."

"I don't know if you drugged my mother or in other ways. She was with you that night."

"While she was asleep, you did something!"

For example, send a message to Jiang Yun to lead Jiang Yun to meet that man.

For example, Lu Feng found out the man's information and account number, and used Su Xincheng's mobile phone to transfer a large amount of money to him.

"Do you want my mother to really commit a crime, or do you want to help Lu Feng and let him be a hero to save Meina!"

(End of this chapter)

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