The blackened male god of fast crossing strategy chases to the end

Chapter 1077 Hey, go pick up other classmates

Chapter 1077 Hey, go pick up other classmates (7)

After coming out of the toilet, Li Yanjin still looked at her with bright eyes, and Chu Xiaoxiao felt like she was lying in her heart, "I have something to say, and I have to fart!"

This attitude!

Li Yanjin's bright eyes sank instantly, staring at her with a cold snort, then turned and went into her bedroom.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "..."

Does Lao Tzu owe you money or owe you money or owe you money?
Go back to make up for sleep and go back to the cage!
[Aside from knowing how to sleep, what else do you know? ] The system black meow complained.



When Li Yanjin returned to the bedroom, feeling depressed, she sat down and stood up again, took two steps, and continued to go back to sit down. Repeated this many times, her heart became more and more irritable!
In the end, he had no choice but to take out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and waited for the connection there before saying, "Fight, come or not?...Well, see you at the old place!"

After tidying up, Li Yanjin went out.

That night, Li Yanjin did not come back.

Chu Xiaoxiao tossed and turned on the bed, always feeling that something was wrong!

[Submission-Reform Li Yanjin]

"..." What a mission!

[Master host, come on, I believe in you! 】

Chu Xiaoxiao first went to Li Yanjin's bedroom to have a look. The bedroom was very tidy. On the bedside table, there was only a simple photo frame. It was Li Nantian. Li Nantian was a very handsome looking man. He was 1.8 meters tall. After years of exercise, he maintained a good figure. In front of them were the original owner who was only eight years old at the time, and Li Yanjin, who was four years old. .

The family of four smiled brightly, warmly and happily!
Chu Xiaoxiao looked at it for a long time before she looked back.

It seems that I also have a family portrait like this, but... I seem to have lost it?

[Master host, what are you thinking? 】

"It's nothing." Chu Xiaoxiao said lightly, and went out of Li Yanjin's bedroom. It was dark outside, neon lights were shining, the sky was big and the earth was big, where can I find Li Yanjin?
This child is too disobedient!
Gotta get caught and spanked!
Chu Xiaoxiao's eyes fell on the branches of the surrounding landscape trees, comparing which one was tougher.

Time was slowly approaching twelve o'clock, Chu Xiaoxiao came out of the No.18 bar, but there was still no news of Li Yanjin, just when she was about to take out her mobile phone to watch the video, a person suddenly rushed over behind her, and slammed her She fell to the ground!

A fast-moving Mercedes-Benz roared past them!

"Li Shuliang, what an idiot! Give me your phone! Confiscate it!" Li Yanjin was furious, snatched the phone away, and strode forward.

Chu Xiaoxiao stood up as if nothing had happened, but quickened her pace to catch up, "Give me the phone."

"Continue to play and die?" Li Yanjin roared. The little boy's eyes were red and his whole body was trembling. Just now, he was really scared to death!

If she was slower, if the car was faster, if she took another step in the middle of the road, wouldn't she be facing the dead body of his sister?

Cool down the whole body!

"I can't die." Chu Xiaoxiao said lightly, disapproving.

Li Yanjin stopped abruptly, staring at her with fixed eyes, "Do you think you are a superman? You can decide whether you die or not? Or do you think I am not important at all, and you want to die?"

"..." Chu Xiaoxiao avoided her gaze, her heart throbbed, "I don't want it anymore."

Li Yanjin's face turned blue with anger, she didn't know what was wrong with her at all!Taking it for granted, my heart seemed to be blown up by a fire!
(End of this chapter)

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