The blackened male god of fast crossing strategy chases to the end

Chapter 1116 The Mysterious Little Brother from Interstellar

Chapter 1116 The Mysterious Little Brother from Interstellar (7)

At this moment, a scene suddenly appeared on the display screen of this highly intelligent robot!
"Where is Mo Qinghuan?" A staff member frowned and asked puzzledly, another staff member came over and looked at the image on the monitor, "It looks so familiar..."

Originally, there was a man in a suit and leather shoes standing near the door. The man turned around, his face was expressionless, and there was a majesty in his eyebrows, "What's going on?"

"It's like this. Mo Qinghuan appeared in a place that I thought was very familiar, but also very strange." The staff replied puzzled.

The man walked over, seeing the influence, a flash of surprise flashed in his deep eyes, "This is..."

As if confirming the man's conjecture, someone knocked on the door of the operating room.

The two staff suddenly realized, no wonder they felt familiar, it turned out that it was inside their base... Wait!
Mo Qinghuan is inside their base!

The two staff members panicked instantly, and looked at the man at the same time, "The person in power..."

"Don't panic, you go and do your own thing." Lan Wei waved his hand, and then went to open the door of the control room, Chu Xiaoxiao's figure slowly appeared in Lan Wei's field of vision.

Chu Xiaoxiao bent her eyes, but the smile didn't reach her eyes, "Are you surprised, are you surprised?"

Lan Wei smiled back, "Surprise, surprise."

This makes him hard to guard against!

Chu Xiaoxiao stepped in without any scruples, as if she had never seen these things before, she looked at each of them for a while, and then asked, "When will the troops withdraw?"

Lan Wei was startled, and then sneered, "Do you think that showing up here without warning will scare me into withdrawing my troops?"

"Oh." Chu Xiaoxiao nodded lightly, as if whether Lan Wei withdrew or not had nothing to do with her.

Lan Wei's heart was pounding, but he didn't show it on his face, "Do you think I will let you leave here alive?"

"No." Chu Xiaoxiao lowered her head and fiddled with her fingers, "Then what chance do you think you have of killing me?"

"..." Lan Wei was startled, Chu Xiaoxiao looked very indifferent, as if she was traveling around her back garden, without any sense of crisis, could it be that she has some cards?
At this moment, a sentence came out from the voice of the highly intelligent robot, "The fifth capture of Aquamarine failed, master, please change the attack strategy."

Chu Xiaoxiao smiled, "Tune the tiger away from the mountain?"

The look in his eyes was full of irony, and Lan Wei felt extremely uncomfortable. He simply darkened his face and said directly, "When Bi Shuixing always runs out of ammunition and food, although he has withstood our attack now, do you think you How long can it last?"

"Ghost knows." The universe has no end, who knows how long it can last.

"This is not a place to talk, why don't we go out and discuss it?" Lan Wei suggested, and Chu Xiaoxiao naturally wouldn't refuse, since she has nothing to do recently.

Going out of this control room, Lan Wei didn't want to show Chu Xiaoxiao his huge underground base, so he went directly to the special passage, because it was underground, so this thing is like an elevator, go in, and then intelligently control, Ascend back to the ground and leave this base.

The door of the special passage opened, and Lan Wei went in first, and Chu Xiaoxiao walked in without hesitation. Just as the door was about to close, Lan Wei jumped out, and outside the door, he showed a trace of grinning.

(End of this chapter)

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