Chapter 1007

Lin Ziqing was playing chess with Mu Bao at home when the phone rang.

"Miss, Mu Jingfeng left the imperial capital and went to Nancheng."

"Well, I see." Lin Ziqing nodded and put down the phone.

"Grandma, it's your turn."

"Mu Bao is too good, grandma has already lost." Lin Ziqing looked at the chess game and shook her head helplessly.She loses every time.

"Mom, Mu Bao, come and eat some fruit!" Xia Pengpeng called to the two of them.

Mu Bao immediately ran towards Xia Pengpeng, picked up a piece of fruit, and handed it to Lin Ziqing, "Grandma, you eat first."

"Mu Bao is so cute."

Mu Bao picked up another piece and handed it to Xia Pengpeng, "Mom, you eat too!"

"Okay!" Xia Pengpeng rubbed Mu Bao's head.

"In another month, it will be the Spring Festival. Uncle Lin wonders if he can come back."

"Yes! Mu Bao also misses uncle very much!"

Lin Ziqing smiled, "I also hope that he can come back."

He must know the news of her return to China, but he has never contacted her.It seems that he still hasn't resolved the knot in his heart back then, and he is afraid of facing her.

Lin Ziqing was a little bit blaming at the beginning, whether it was about her parents or Ono, she held it in her heart and couldn't let go of it for a long time.

With Pengpeng Mubao around, she slowly thought about it and began to understand.

"We haven't seen each other for more than 20 years."

Xia Pengpeng was stunned, "Mom, has Uncle Lin not seen you since you left the country?"

"No, I just occasionally mentioned news about him here from Xiaoye. Xiaoye once told me that he would often mention me on the phone and ask about my situation."

"He still cares about you, but he doesn't know how to deal with it."

"Yes." Lin Ziqing nodded, "He has already felt guilty about his parents, and with Ono, he has had a hard time in the past 20 years."

Xia Pengpeng nodded and held Lin Ziqing's hand.

"Mom, if possible, can you call Uncle Lin? He may have been running away."

"Okay, I'll call her after dealing with Du Ruoning's matter."

"Okay!" Xia Pengpeng smiled and nodded.


Mu Jingfeng came to Nancheng and quickly started to investigate.

Only under strong pressure did he find out the real reason of the matter!

Wei Lingyu cooperated with Hancheng to carry out cross-border transportation by sea. According to the signed agreement, it was only ordinary goods. However, the people in Hancheng discovered that some contraband was included in the goods during the transportation process.

And these contraband brought great losses to Hancheng!

Wei Lingyu thought that when looking for Hancheng, the countries he passed through were safe, and no one would have the guts to check Hancheng's boats, even if they did, it would be a delusion.

Unexpectedly, there is really a place, not only checked, but also found out, almost conflicted with the people in Hancheng.

In a rage, Hancheng personally arrested Wei Lingyu who was on a business trip.

I don't know where Wei Lingyu is now!Falling into Hancheng's hands, the consequences can be imagined...

The more Mu Jingfeng checked, the colder his heart became!
Why are Nancheng's connections so strange?
When Wei Lingyu arrived in Nancheng, none of the reused people were from Nancheng, but some with unknown origins!Even, these people have indistinct ties with some overseas forces!
Wei Lingyu is completely using the influence of the Mu family in Nancheng to seek personal gain!
This is against the law!

After finding out all this, Mu Jingfeng hurriedly called Mu Xingye.

(End of this chapter)

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