Peerless concubine pharmacist

Chapter 2200 The Rouge Ring Comes to an End

Chapter 2200 The Rouge Ring Comes to an End
"Hand in hand, it's not the time to get dizzy..." Luoyue was unarmed, and with just such a weapon...

The provocative laughter of the mussels around made Luoyue upset and restless, always feeling like something was about to come out of her body...

"No, it can draw out the deepest spiritual power of a person!" Phoenix had already noticed that it was caused by this voice.

After hearing this, Luoyue hurriedly protected the divine power deep in her dantian, it hadn't matured yet, so no one could take it away.The divine power was about to come out, and she could hardly bear it anymore. Could it be that this was a catastrophe? In the dark, Luoyue began to think wildly...

No, you can't think like this, you have to stabilize your mind and protect your spiritual power, I will be the real moon god, and I will never be buried here, never!Divine power is my inherited power, and I will never let outsiders take it away, never!
At this moment, the divine power suddenly moved like a seed, and there was a tendency to sprout, and gradually a sprout actually sprouted. Luoyue had never experienced such a change...

It was this tender bud that roared out a powerful force that completely smashed the clams with sultry laughter around it. This is where the power of the divine power lies.

At the same time, all the leaves of the scarlet tree fell, almost instantly, making people think that autumn has arrived...

Its leaves never fell either... a tree with a bare trunk...

"We won't be annihilated..." Shui Lang watched worriedly as those beautiful leaves fell from the trees into the icy lake, drifted for a while, and sank to the bottom of the sea.

With a light touch, the petals and leaves of the lotus in the water fell off, and the distressed Shui Lang almost cried. He spent his whole life looking after them, and they withered so silently. anger at their ruthlessness.

Leng Yanlong came to comfort Shui Lang, and Ben picked a flower for him, but unexpectedly, the flower also fell. Immediately afterwards, all the flowers, plants and trees in the rouge ring began to show a scene of withering. Twilight seems to be the end of life... the end of space.

Those rare plants that Luoyue planted did not escape this catastrophe, they fell off one by one, failed, and even quickly decayed into dirt, including hallucinogenic red flowers and dream grass, none remained...

"Not good!" At this moment, a call came from the Hundred Flowers Ring. It turned out that the flower spirit guarding it was notifying everyone that the flowers in the Hundred Flowers Ring had completely withered, and no one was spared...

Those flowers that were originally full of vitality suddenly stopped blooming...

Luoyue felt all of this, and her consciousness fell into a deep sleep. Inside this giant clam, a bottomless ocean began to sleep for a long time... Although the divine power crushed the clam that robbed it, , but did not take her out of here, Luoyue floated, and then sank to the bottom of the sea...

With her eyes closed, she seemed to be unable to feel anything, and at the same time seemed to be able to feel everything. The voices of those spirit beasts were soft in her ears. Luoyue seemed to see their expressions, either surprised, sad, or frightened, just like her own. Already detached, above them, one can see them clearly.

But she couldn't and didn't have the mind to communicate with them. Those defeated flowers, plants, leaves, and Luoyue didn't feel distressed. At a certain moment, she was a conscious body without consciousness and feeling, floating like this... ego, indistinguishable.

(End of this chapter)

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