Peerless concubine pharmacist

Chapter 2337 For Falling Moon

Chapter 2337 For Falling Moon
Zi Nian slowed down and walked in slowly. Although his spiritual power could not be used, his own perception did not decline.There are people living here, and proceeding cautiously, at the corner of the passage, I saw a person hanging by his hands, and a rope ran through the cliff above.

The man's toes were on the ground, and it could be seen that even so, he was trying his best to survive, unyielding, even though he already looked embarrassed, and there were many scratches and bruises on his face and body.

It was a woman, she looked thinner and paler, and she was a princess, a real princess dressed as a mercenary.Her eyes are indomitable, even in prison, she will never give up on herself.

She saw Zi Nian and smiled: "You are finally here."

Zi Nian stepped forward, the flying knife left her hand, and cut off the rope that bound her. The princess rested complacently. Her arms were numb, and she had been trapped here for a long time. The water that came down was like a spring, and she didn't mind the scars on her body.

"So happy." The princess wiped the corners of her mouth after drinking the water.

"Happiness?" Zi Nian pouted.

"Yes, it is happiness to be able to drink water when you are hungry. You know, when you didn't come, I watched it swallow saliva constantly, imagining what it would look like to drink it, and now my wish has come true, isn't it Are you happy?" said the princess.

"What have you experienced here?" Zi Nian asked.

"It doesn't matter what I went through, what matters is that you are here, and we have hope to get out." The princess said.

"I'm afraid not necessarily. You should also see that I am the same as you now. I have lost my spiritual power and only have physical strength." Zi Nian is not optimistic about the future. The opponent is strong and good at scheming.

"You will definitely go out. I knew from the beginning that you must be the kind of man who is worthy of entrustment. You are worth relying on. Think about it, if you can't get out, you will never be able to save Luoyue. So, for her, you You must find a way to leave, no one can't think of it, only those who don't work hard enough. Maybe your Luoyue is waiting for you to save her, don't be discouraged." The princess said.

When it comes to Luoyue, Zi Nian's heart is always full of passion and hope.

"What do you know about her?" Zi Nian asked.

"She is still alive. I know where to find her. But I won't tell you now. I want you to protect me as agreed. We will leave together, and then I will tell you everything I know." The princess insisted.Even at this moment, when life and death are on the line, and she is played and applauded by Snow Lord, she still has her last plan for herself, and she will never tell the whole story until she is free.

This is also the experience of the princess, no one can be absolutely trusted.In times of crisis, it is human nature to abandon each other...

Holding someone else's handle is sometimes the most effective way to save yourself.

"Hehe." Zi Nian smiled, everything was expected.

"Maybe you have no news about Luoyue at all." Zi Nian said.

"Don't make excuses for not working hard, and don't regret what you do now. Even if you really don't have it, you will work hard, won't you. And you can't be sure. Maybe there is, what if? You That loves her... loves her so much..." said the princess.

"Let's figure out a solution together." Zi Nian said.

"The other mercenaries are already dead. I was transformed into several places, and I only came here in the last few days. The power of the Snow Lord is the spiritual power of the yin and yang priests. It has never appeared in history. This is a very evil power... It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to hold his hand, otherwise I would know his past." The princess also confessed.

(End of this chapter)

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