Peerless concubine pharmacist

Chapter 2347 The Second Husband

Chapter 2347 No.30 Second Husband

Gu Nu is hinting at Zi Nian that the fate of him and the princess is in her own hands.The first poisonous snake didn't appear on the roof by accident, it came out after hearing her silver bell...

Looking at the seemingly innocent silver snake girl, Zi Nian made such a judgment in his heart.In this world, there are no innocent people anymore, only to use each other, isn't it the same for him and the princess...

The princess is so scheming, she sees this in her eyes and keeps it in her heart. She has already grasped Zi Nian's life gate, which is Luoyue's message. What about the silver snake girl who suddenly appeared, the princess has not grasped her yet. However, she threatened and teased her again and again...

The humiliating princess kept it in her heart, and if she had the chance, she would definitely repay her ten times and a hundred times.

"How did you come here?" Zi Nian asked.

"My dear husband, you don't need to know these things. What you need to know is that you're going to marry me in the bridal chamber tonight. Tomorrow it's the turn of the princess of the small country. I have to dress up and lose weight... It's a pity that the sky is still bright..." After finishing speaking, the silver snake girl took out the small mirror, touched up her makeup, put on some rouge and gouache, and her cherry red lips became more tender and charming, and she even blinked mischievously.

"Why do I have to marry you?" This is what Zi Nian is very puzzled about.

"This is Snow Lord's meaning. Snow Lord, we can guess what the old man thinks. In short, just do what he wants." Gu Nu said indifferently.

"Master Snow made us suffer a lot, you trust him, it sounds like." Zi Nian said tentatively.

"Now, if I can't get out, is there any other choice? Either stay here and stagnate, and I will eventually lose control of the poisonous snake, or lose the ability to detoxify the spring water. We can only know what lies ahead if we continue to move forward. Lord Xue asked you to marry me and the princess, you are not at a disadvantage, fool, we are the ones who suffer, but you are not responsible, the dewy marriage is also fate, this trip, I did not come in vain." Silver Snake Gu Nu looked at Zi Nian and swallowed.

"Be good to be my No.30 second husband..." The silver snake girl smiled like a flower, her makeup was done, she was charming and charming.

"Ahem..." The princess was completely stunned after hearing this.

"Don't be ridiculous, you are only fifteen or sixteen years old, how could you have 32 husbands, even if you have two husbands a year, could it be that you have had them since you were one year old?" Zi Nian shook his head in disbelief.

"Heck, are you stupid or naive? These 32 husbands, should be said to be the first 31 husbands, all of whom I married this year. Unfortunately, they are not as good as I want, so I will kill them all. Kill three, very quickly...then grind it into powder and use it as medicine, it's not completely useless..." The silver snake Gu girl giggled, unable to see whether what she said was true or not.

"Oh, it's all my fault, my good husband-in-law, I'm not trying to scare you, you are one of the best men in a thousand miles, everything suits my taste, I want to be with you forever, I will never do that to you Cruel thing..." the silver snake Gu girl said hastily.

"But you have to promise me that you will be the first to love me, the first to think of me, the first to hug me, the first to care about me, and to think of me wholeheartedly, but you are by no means the princess of that small country. If I can give her one-tenth of my miss, the rest will be mine." The silver snake girl continued to add.

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(End of this chapter)

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