Peerless concubine pharmacist

Chapter 2350 Never mess with her husband

Chapter 2350 Never mess with her husband
"I don't know your story yet?" The silver snake girl turned to Zi Nian.

"My mission is to protect the princess from here, because she has the clues of my wife, and I will finally find the person I love deeply. At all costs, even if I die on the way. It seems that my story is not as magnificent and bitter as yours. Qiu Shen." Zi Nian didn't hide it.

"It seems that the princess really has a scheming heart, and knows how to control others and use it for herself." The silver girl sighed, with a light smile on her lips.

"Now, everyone's goals and experiences are clear, and they are all Snow Lord's prey, so stop suspicion and sabotage each other, otherwise it will be you and me who will die here in the end." Zi Nian said seriously.

The two women were silent for a while.

"Do you really love your wife?" Silver Bell Gu Nu asked.

"Yes. Otherwise, do you think it will be like this for everyone?" Zi Nian asked back.

"That's such a pity. Originally, you could be my No.30's second husband, and you are also a man I am very optimistic about. I have actually made a lifetime plan to end up as No.30's second husband. Even so, But the Gu girl is principled and also has a cleanliness, she will never want a second-hand man, and she will never get involved with another man's husband. This is really a pity, God just played a joke on me." The silver snake Gu girl said.

Hearing this, Zi Nian was already rejoicing, otherwise he really didn't know how to pass this "romantic fate".

"Oh, it seems like a heavy burden has been lifted." The silver snake girl smiled.

Is it that obvious, Zi Nian thought to himself.

"Don't worry, the other party is just bluffing, because she is considered a veteran in the field of love." Fenghuang said.

"At the young age of a girl, she is a veteran in the field of love. It's really amazing. I've lived for thousands of years, and I haven't been in love yet..." Skeleton Hand said with a sigh.

"You have a heart..." Fenghuang grinned and looked.

"How are you and that Shui Ze Feng Hua... Do you plan to transform into a human form to marry him? Or just marry him as a bird, like a curse and a divine bird? Like Baili and a white fox?" the skeleton hand asked. explain.

"Please, we are friends, just close friends. Don't make random guesses, and make things out of nothing." Fenghuang said.


"What should we do? You have the curse of the dragon on your body, and my spiritual power has also been removed by the snow master in a strange way. If you want to turn against the guest, the power is too weak." The princess said.

"We need to know what he is doing to arrest us first, and figure out his purpose before we can handle it," Zi Nian said.Then everyone looked at the silver snake girl, she was playing with her bell...

"Look at me, I don't know, I just want to get the spiritual power he promised, one person is inferior to ten thousand people." The girl said.

"Aren't you afraid that he will deceive you?" Zi Nian asked.

"Aren't you afraid that the princess is lying to you without news of your wife? In fact, we are all the same. We pursue what our hearts most desire, at all costs, aren't we?" said the silver snake girl.

This point is indeed the same.

"If I had the chance to touch his hand... maybe I would know a little more," said the princess.

"Don't even think about it, he is a very cautious person, he won't let anyone get close, not to mention he knows your skills." The silver snake girl frowned and said.

At this time, there was another bang in the cave, as if something had been opened, and everyone's eyes quickly shifted to look behind the smoke...

(End of this chapter)

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