Chapter 236
"My little aunt's best home is not you, I'm sure of this, so, Your Excellency, Shui Lang, you must restrain your emotions, and be careful not to make the same mistakes again." Shui Lang laughed.

"If I really repeat the same mistakes and fall into eternal doom, I will really admit it. I would rather be quicksand for thousands of years, sink and float in the bottom of the sea, and be silent forever." Shui Lang said.

Zi Nian took a deep breath, he was on the bar!What a stubborn fish!

I have to enlighten him and prevent him from thinking about my little aunt.

"Shui Lang, I heard that there is an eminent monk in your fish world, whose dharma name is Yu Feikong, why don't we visit him and listen to his preaching, as a fish, we must live beyond the world and not fall into the lingering love of human beings. You can’t extricate yourself from it, it will be very painful, you have a deep understanding, we have to live aloofly, don’t eat the fireworks of the world, live above the world, have nothing in our hearts, neither love nor hate, the moon and the breeze are light on our shoulders! How wonderful, this is the realm that Yu should pursue. Only then can you continue to cultivate, ascend to immortality as soon as possible, and seek revenge from Mu Qiaoqi." Zi Nian said while putting his arms around Shui Lang's shoulders.

"I know that my concentration is not enough, so you should pursue this profound and open-minded state. In this life, I just want to be in love with the one I love, and hold hands until the end of life. But Zi Nian, I see that what you said is clear and wise, and it happens that Master Yu Feikong and I are close friends, why don't I recommend it to you, maybe you can achieve a positive result, without love or hatred..." Shui Lang Turn to attack as defense, and start lobbying Zi Nian!

"I have a fiancée, so of course I can't break away from the world..." Zi Nian said.

"You can live up to Tathagata and Qing." Shui Lang answered him.

"Hey, I saw someone lift a rock and hit my foot!" Bai Xiang smirked ignorantly.

Well, this way won't work, let's find another...

"Let's change the subject and communicate more so that we can understand each other, right? You have only known my little aunt for a few days, and you still don't know her well enough..." Zi Nian took Shui Lang aside.

"I think that guy is going to speak ill of you! Be sneaky!" Red Phoenix reminded Luoyue.

Luoyue shrugged her shoulders.

"My little aunt and I have known each other for thousands of years. She is a flower-hearted queen. It doesn't matter if she stretches out her clothes and opens her mouth. Combined with fists and feet, several of them were disabled by beatings. My little aunt often has a bad temper. Once she gets angry, the light ones will be thrown into the sand and stones, and the severe ones will cost her life! So, I am doing it for your own good. Be careful, it's best to stay away..." After Zi Nian finished speaking, he turned around and gave Luo Yue a smirk.

"Then why don't you stay away from her, not to mention you already have a fiancée! Isn't it a lot of love to still cling to Luoyue? Since ancient times, love will kill itself! I am very worried about you! Zi Nian! After all, we have had a relationship Legs, leave now!" Shui Lang sincerely grabbed Zi Nian's hand, his eyes were filled with worry, he couldn't tell it was fake at all...

Damn, the method of killing people's hearts in seconds, really hateful...

Zi Nian sighed in his heart.

"Wow Kaka, someone picked up a rock twice and shot himself in the foot, wow stupid." Bai Xiang laughed at Zi Nian.

"Shuilong, let's feed the white elephant's food to the ducks today." Zi Nian said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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