Chapter 2434
"Come on, dance with me. How can you live up to this beautiful night." After Bai Ye finished speaking, she took Luoyue's arm and danced lightly.But because Luoyue couldn't adapt to such a fast pace, she suddenly fainted to the ground. Bai Ye helped her up, leaned on the Wuyang Stone, and input her spiritual power to her through some means.

Luoyue gradually got better.

"I'm just a soul that may be wiped out at any time. Why are you like this? Isn't your spiritual power what you've been seeking all your life? Aren't you revenge? Why give it to me?" Luoyue asked.

"You are not just fragments, I want you to live, I also want you to devour the main body and make you the main body, instead of the falling moon rover below is more the main body, do you understand, then we have a future. A better future, more Free. Zi Nian loves Luoyue below, not you, but I love you." Bai Ye said.

"It's not love, but you have aroused a certain feeling that I have never had before, maybe it is love." Bai Ye frowned slightly.

The part eats the whole, which is a good plan.Luoyue never thought of it this way.

"Think about it, if you return to her body and become a part of it, the part that belongs to you will slowly disappear. You won't remember such a beautiful cave, you won't remember the warmth of Wuyang Stone, you won't Remember the days and nights you spent here, and you won't remember me... If you can become the subject, it will be different if you make it the object." Bai Ye said.

"But I only have ten percent." Luoyue said.

"It's not that there is no chance of winning, as long as she is off guard." Bai Ye said.

Luoyue was a little hesitant, to be the subject, or to be annihilated as the object, of course the former is more promising...

in the snowy mountains.

"I feel that part of my soul will never come back." Luoyue said.

"No, she is in the picture scroll, we will find it. You will be complete. Nian'er promises." Zi Nian said.

For the past few days, Luoyue has made a small test of the power of snow here. She has completed all the snow sculptures and buildings, as well as the ice and snow slides. The tall pavilions slide down like the sky. At this time, Hua Soul just slipped down the ice and snow stairs.

"I know what you're looking for, it's Snow Soul." Huahun said.

"Among all spirits, the soul is the largest and the strongest." Huahun continued.

"But we searched all over the snow-capped mountains, but we couldn't find it," Xuelong said.

"That's because it's not in the snow-capped mountains at all, but has always been with us." Huahun smiled, took out a seed, and asked Nian'er to take out the soul of the mountain god, put the seed in the soul, and then Buried under the snow mountain...

One day, two days, three days later, the seeds germinated and became the only green in the snow-capped mountains. It was very tough and grew very fast.Luoyue watered it with ice and snow spiritual power every day, and it took it as it was ordered.

The soul of the mountain god gave the seed a lot of power, and then assisted Luoyue's ice and snow power, the snow soul took root and sprouted until it grew up. It absorbed all kinds of power crazily, and it became a cocoon more than one meter high, wrapped in ice and snow. , whole body green, looks very weird.

"Shouldn't Xuehun be white?" Zi Nian said to himself.

"Snow Soul is the beginning of life, so it can also be green." Xue Long said, "What we want to find is this power."

Zi Nian suddenly thought that maybe Luoyue's catastrophe was already doomed. The moment when he captured the soul of the mountain god in the underground of Penglai Island in the fairy world was for today, Nirvana became a snow god.Already doomed, but not yet discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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