Chapter 2668
Just above the main hall, the courtiers of the underworld launched a battle to defend their home and country, including all the courtiers including the Golden Lord and the servant.

Only Pluto Zi Nian sat on the throne, watching their moves.

At this time, outside and around the underworld, they were under siege at the same time. However, the twelve trade unions were able to handle it with ease. They hadn't fought for a long time. The ghosts and ghosts were itching in their hearts. As soldiers, only war can bring glory. Only have the opportunity to make contributions.

Everyone wants to be that general, even if they all become ten thousand bones in the end.War has brought such an opportunity.

All of a sudden, the flames of war ignited the underworld and Fanbang, and the war raged day and night...

But at this time, the little princess was no longer in the palace, and she, accompanied by a group of maidservants, wearing a red dowry, was heading towards Huangquan Fanbang in a golden carriage and a carriage.

Escorting her was General Po-suo, who was rescued from prison by Zi Nian in the Po-suo world.The general only stayed with a few credible detachments.Pulling the dowry as a dowry, walking on the road of Huangquan Fanbang.

"Although we have never met and come from different fields, we both trust Pluto Zi Nian and are sincere to him, so we can trust each other." General Posuo said.

"Yes, that's exactly the case. The general doesn't have to treat me like an ignorant kid." The little princess said.

"I believe, we will fulfill our mission." General Po Suo said.

"Look, the flames of war are raging..." Just after arriving at the outskirts of Huangquan Fanbang, General Posuo blocked the torches in front of him, and then quickly entered Fanbang with the princess.

Because it is a golden carriage, because it has the title of princess, and because it is a red phoenix coronet and Xiapei hanging on the red carriage, as well as matching lanterns and red flowers.

The guard stopped the carriage.

The princess lifted the curtain of the sedan chair: "I am the wife of the prince, can I not enter the city?"

The guard looked confused: "Where is the prince?"

Princess: "We are recovering the underworld. Marry a chicken and follow a chicken, marry a dog and follow a dog. Fanbang will be your home from now on. If you don't wait for the prince to come back as I want, the first thing I will do is to kill you and then rectify the harem! I Ming Media is marrying!"

After the princess finished speaking, she took out the token of the feudal king, which was exactly the belt around the waist of the old feudal king.Everyone recognizes it, because it never leaves the body.

The guard discussed with the other guards, and finally let the princess enter the palace. Judging by her age, appearance, and temperament, she was the prince's hobby, so he didn't dare to provoke her.And she is a young daughter's family, even if she enters the palace, there is no harm.So she was placed in a secluded place in the palace to wait for the prince to come back.

Dozens of people were sent at the same time, nominally to protect the little princess, but actually to monitor her and watch her.

General Po-suo and his cronies were placed in another place, and of course they couldn't enter the female family's harem.There are also delicious food and drinks to entertain, but there is no freedom all the time.

After entering the palace, although there were dozens of guards, the little princess didn't take it seriously at all. She went to the harem first, and checked all the female relatives there, of course in the name of the prince's new wife.The thirteen concubines, of all ages, have become jealous masters now. Looking at the young and beautiful little princess, they can't wait to spit a few mouthfuls.These people are nothing more than living by flattery, they have little spiritual power, and the princess quickly controlled them.

In addition, it was discovered that this old guy really liked to mutilate girls, and even publicly imprisoned many girls, waiting for his greedy claws.Their frightened appearance, their terrified appearance, and their desperate eyes are not faked.The little princess let them out.

(End of this chapter)

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