Peerless concubine pharmacist

Chapter 2743 An invitation that cannot be refused

Chapter 2743 An invitation that cannot be refused

"You have to find a way. If you can save her, only you can do it. Don't be sad, it's not the time to be sad, you have to do your best and concentrate on this moment." At this time, Leng Yanlong came Go to Luoyue's side and press his shoulder.He has never been so strong before, Luoyue nodded, tears trembled and fell down.

What should I do, what should I do?Luoyue was very helpless, and her mind was very disordered. What she thought most about was fear, the fear of losing, because she loved him so much that she couldn't lose her child.

The cold flame dragon sprayed out cold flames, condensing Luoyue's surroundings. Luoyue's body was stimulated by the cold, and her mind was withdrawn from the fear just now. Only then did she gradually calm down, but she was still not calm enough, because , This is his own flesh and blood.

The cold flames hit her in waves, keeping her awake.

The source of the scarlet tree's spiritual power is herself. Luoyue can finally start to think about it, and the strength and nutrition the child absorbs are also provided by the scarlet tree. The child's breath is weak, which means that the nutrition provided is not enough. Something is missing, compared to being in the womb, something is missing...

Perhaps simulating the environment in his body would be helpful to him. Luoyue looked around, and finally her eyes fell on Wang Ding. The cold flame pierced through, went straight to Wang Ding, put Wang Ding under the seed, and used ice and snow fire to pre-heat it. Hot, ignited, warm thermals rising up...

"His aura has become stronger, as if he just resigned..." Shui Lang said with confidence.

Looking at the child, Luoyue felt very guilty in her heart. She could protect many people, but she couldn't protect her own child. This was so cruel and sad for a mother.

Temperature, not just temperature, it requires something with strong spiritual power itself, and something with divine power full of Luoyue's aura. Luoyue made a precise judgment and quickly chose the combination of Wang Ding and Frozen Fire, successfully saving her child.

Suddenly, she burst into tears. She didn't know when the days of being frightened like this would end, and whether she would live a stable life. Maybe one day, suddenly there would be no future.

"We will figure out a way, you know we are all smart people." Leng Yanlong comforted Luoyue.

Living in the palace of the underworld, Luoyue's heart is always her own child, she hardly ever goes out, occasionally tends to the flowers and plants in the garden, does not have contact with the officials, and treats the maids coldly, even when the princess came to see her, she excused herself from illness.In short, there is no such lively heart.

However, a few days later, Luoyue received an invitation card from the Ice and Snow Continent, written by the city lord himself, inviting the queen to attend the engagement ceremony between the little city lord and Princess Francis.

And Zi Nian also received the invitation, which was jointly issued by Queen Francis and the general.In a sense, Zi Nian is also the honorary king of Francis Kingdom.

The place of engagement is in the Ice and Snow Continent.

As the queen, Luoyue has a responsibility and must go. Although the mood is not suitable for the excitement at the moment, there are also old friends such as Xuelong and the Grand Scholar there.

So, a few days later, Luo Yue and Zi Nian packed their bags and went to the Ice and Snow Continent together.In the Ice and Snow Palace City, colorful sculptures are scattered all over the streets, and the trees are also full of fiery trees and silver flowers, which are beautiful and blinking.The tension melted away little by little.The two entered the city cautiously, and the city lord warmly entertained them.

At the banquet, the queen and general of Francis Kingdom, the little princess, the city master, the grand scholar and the little city master, as well as Xuelong and Xuelong's children all came.

(End of this chapter)

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