Chapter 2789
During the winter solstice, my skin got surprisingly better. It seemed that I had adapted to this place.The real world.

Luoyue sighed deeply and had a good night's sleep. When she woke up, it was snowing heavily, and the real winter was coming. Fortunately, the red clay stove warmed the wine with green tea and boiled the snow. She hid in a warm room, the cellar There are still a lot of food reserves in the house, which is really a practical winter.

"Thank you, it's lucky to have you here." Luoyue and Ziyuan chatted to pass the winter time.

"The winter here is as long as three or four months, but if you want to eat fresh food, we can also go to the wild to catch it." Ziyuan said, "When I was a child, I spent almost all the winter with my father in the snow. After that, I think the snow is deep enough, and the large animals in the mountains should come out to look for food, and what we need is more warm fur, but the cotton is not enough, because it is not yet the twelfth lunar month, which is the coldest when."

"Okay, let's go together. I can set a trap." Luoyue said.

"There is no need to set a trap, as it will hurt the fur. I made a bow and arrow, and we used it to shoot through the animal's eyes. In this way, the whole hide was preserved intact." Ziyuan said.

"You know how to shoot arrows?" Luoyue said in surprise.

"Girls in the Loulan Kingdom have some foundations for survival. This is why the nation can always reproduce no matter what kind of natural or man-made disasters it faces. Fortunately, my father and I were very serious when we studied. My father is the best hunter in the Loulan Kingdom." Ziyuan said.

"How did he die?" Luoyue always felt that he died unexpectedly.

"Now, I don't want to talk about this, let's go get fur, the coldest time is not far away." Ziyuan's expression was a little unnatural, everyone has things that he doesn't want to mention, just like everyone has a past.

The two went into the woods, and Ziyuan followed the footprints and found the footprints of several foxes. Apart from mink, the fur of foxes is also very warm and soft. Ziyuan smiled slightly and asked Luoyue to wait. Arrow, just wait for the fox to take the bait.Because ahead is the bait she sprinkled, and the fox is the most greedy.

What's more, the meat that Luoyue cooks is cooked meat, and it has been passed down from Zi Nian's true taste.

Soon, several foxes wagged their tails and looked for food cautiously. Ziyuan shot three arrows, each aiming at the eyes of a fox, and the three arrows left the string.

This was the first time Luoyue saw a real archer who didn't rely on spiritual power shoot three arrows at the same time, and precisely pierced the left eyes of three foxes...not bad at all.

The foxes fell to the ground, struggling with severe pain, Ziyuan hurried up and put on arrows, shooting them through their other eyes one by one.

He slammed into the ground, blood wet on the white snow, so dazzling.

Ziyuan then quickly picked up the three foxes, making sure that the fur of the foxes was intact, peeled off, and washed. The fox meat was not very tasty, it was sour, so Ziyuan discarded it. Grouse and hare were the most delicious, not to mention winter The water at the bottom of the river is flowing, and there are fish lurking there too.

A week later, Ziyuan had collected quite a few fox furs, and she stitched them together to sew two fur coats to keep them warm. She also sewed an extra fur vest for Luoyue, which was convenient to wear.

Luoyue liked the feeling of the wind blowing over the fur against the skin of her cheeks.Long hair fluttering.

Ziyuan also made a blanket out of rabbit fur and tiger skin, which will be used by babies in the future.Soft, tender, and full of beauty.

The coldest time came, the two laughed and talked about shooting the fox in the room while drinking tea...

A winter passed peacefully in this way, with enough food, enough water, and enough firewood.

(End of this chapter)

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