Chapter 2810
The witch man calculated the best time. There is no one else in this hunting forest. People in the fairy world disdain this place, and places without spiritual power do not attract them.

It is precisely because of this that it grows so lush and lush here.

Even though it was at this time, Wu Nan still used his witch power. He knew that Luoyue's spiritual power was very agile and could easily detect his existence. Luna knew the meanness of this.

The use of witch power was to keep Luoyue from knowing.

The sorcerer's power is strong, and he hides himself completely. In the forest, he can vaguely see the two riding horses on the foot of the mountain, and the witch man is lurking behind him, ready to find the best time. As long as, as long as they are separated, it is the time to strike.

Sure enough, when encountering wild beasts in the forest, Luoyue sent Ziyuan to a safe platform, and she wanted to hunt a real wild beast for her.The beasts here also have spiritual power, so they pose a threat to Ziyuan, and Luoyue hunted them alone.

The beast went deeper and deeper, and played with Luoyue, Luoyue certainly would not give up.The witch man's best opportunity has come.

He slowly stretched out his hand from behind, gathering the spiritual power in his hand, killing Ziyuan who has no spiritual power in the simplest way is also a simple matter, the wizard is thoughtful, even so, he still has to cover it up, if it falls When Yue found the body, she thought it was accidentally injured by a wild beast, not that it was.

Therefore, the witch followed the shape of the beast's claws, controlled the spiritual power, and extended it to her back.There, she will be killed instantly, and she will not have time to shout out...

Just as the witch man's witch power approached cautiously, Ziyuan suddenly bent down, and she found a strangely shaped stone on the ground, which was very special, so she squatted down, and used the stone to draw on the ground without any hassle. It is the symbol of Loulan Kingdom, those words that disappeared.

But for Wu Nan, his power was immediately backlashed. When Wu Li touched the Loulan symbol drawn by the stone, a strange new energy was born. Just behind her, Zi Yuan had nothing. I noticed that, like a girl, I was still drawing on the ground.

As for the witch man, it was miserable, he was backlashed by his strength, but fortunately he dodged in time, and this time his attack failed.The witch man continued to lurk, waiting for an opportunity to look for it.And Luoyue hadn't come back yet.But as long as she is drawing in her hand, as long as she is holding a stone, there will be a huge force protecting her.

After waiting for a long time, he still didn't find a chance. Even if the witch man caught a fawn and let it go, trying to distract her, he didn't succeed.

Soon, Luoyue came back, carrying the prey, and went to the riverside to clean it with Ziyuan. Ziyuan liked this place very much and was unaware of any danger.

The two of them were hunting and cleaning in the creek of Loulan Kingdom.

Then, pick flowers in the forest.Good thing they parted again.Wu Nan's chance came, this time, he followed Ziyuan at close range.In her hand is a handful of bright flowers of various colors, jumping, joyful, innocent and carefree.

Wu Nan had never seen that look in his life, he thought about it, watched it for a while, although it shocked his heart, he still wanted to do it.

This time, no witch power was used, because she would be backlashed by the stone.The witch man stretched out his hand, intending to strangle her from behind.Ziyuan bowed her head: "Ah, what a beautiful flower, I've never seen it before." It was a special color, indigo blue, and the flower species was extremely rare.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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