Peerless concubine pharmacist

Chapter 2827 Nian'er's Night Visit

Chapter 2827 Nian'er's Night Visit

The witch man looked at his sword in the palace, how precious it is, and how unique it is.He always wipes it down, keeps it clean and tidy, and keeps it with him.

He didn't even notice that Zi Nian walked in.

"Are you going to wear men's clothes all the time?" Zi Nian asked.

"You are heartless, you threw me back and never came to see me." Shaman put down his long sword angrily.

"Aha, you have already entered the role. This is a bit like what a woman said, not bad." Zi Nian clapped his hands and laughed.

"Once I wear women's clothes, and the decals on the mirror are yellow, it means that I will become the next joke in the fairy world. People will talk about me for 1000 years, 2000 years after dinner, until the next joke appears." The wizard has already predicted that if he wears it What womenswear will look like now.

"You have spiritual power, what are you afraid of. You will still be Ling Jue Ding." Zi Nian said.

"Don't try to convince me to wear a skirt that trips once in three or five steps. I will never do it either," said the wizard.

"Well, this is not forced, I just came to see how you are, it seems that you have been able to accept part of your new identity." Zi Nian said.

"I don't want to do this." The witch man looked at Zi Nian, with the longing in his eyes, how could Zi Nian not understand.

"I know. It's embarrassing for you, witch man." Zi Nian clapped his hand on his shoulder, and a powerful warmth penetrated into the witch man's body, and the witch man suddenly felt so excited...

It's strange, Zi Nian didn't feel this way when he touched himself like this before... Why is it that suddenly, even a little dependent on this warmth and strength now?

It must be an illusion, an illusion.The witch man hurriedly stopped.Could it be that my own mind has also changed?

Looking at Zi Nian again with ordinary eyes, the wizard suddenly found that Zi Nian is very good-looking. His facial features are very delicate, but he does not lack masculinity. Although many men are beautiful, they are too feminine, which is always a bit strange. No, he is not feminine at all, only gentle.There are waves hidden in the corners of the eyes, and the corners of the lips move slightly between breaths, so good-looking, men can also use the word good-looking to describe it.

No wonder so many women like him, even at the expense of flying moths into the flames.

For a moment, the wizard's thoughts went deep.

"What are you staring at?" Zi Nian waved his hand.

The witch man withdrew his dull gaze, and for the first time from the perspective of a woman, even Zi Nian was a perfect example.No wonder Ziyuan likes it too.

"I was just thinking, how interesting it would be if Zi Nian was also a woman." Of course the witch man would not let Zi Nian know what he was thinking.Those weird thoughts.

"Uh, this is not the direction of my development." Zi Nian shook his head.Continue to drink with the wizard.

"You can also fine-tune it, there's nothing wrong with being a woman," said the wizard.

"Let's forget it... Besides, you are already the most beautiful woman. If I become a woman, I won't take your limelight..." Zi Nian said.

"That's not necessarily the case... If you were a woman, maybe no one would want you." The wizard said.

"Haha, then I have to make my breasts as big as Cuju!" Zi Nian and Wu Nan continued to drink while laughing loudly.

Seeing that the wizard was relieved a little bit, instead of resisting as he was at first, Zi Nian began to feel relieved.

"My Concubine Yuan is always with you recently." Zi Nian pouted.

"Why, you're jealous..." the wizard said.

"No, how could I be jealous of a woman." Zi Nian continued to smile.Glancing at the wizard.

"Well, I brought you something. It's a small gift." After Zi Nian finished speaking, he took out a kit.

(End of this chapter)

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