Peerless concubine pharmacist

Chapter 2834 Bewitched

Chapter 2834 Bewitched
"Spiritual Realm?" Xiaomei made a difference, "I'm afraid you can't go there. The Lingjun ordered that any passage leading to the Spiritual Realm be closed. You are so confident, don't you want to go to the Beauty Island to prove your determination?" , Let your lover know whether you love her or not deeply enough."

What really attracted Zi Nian was the word Lingjun Youling.He has to meet the queen to know more about Lingjun.

"Okay, I heard from my friends earlier that Beauty Island is surrounded by beauties, singing and dancing. I also want to see how beautiful you are. My lover can also see and learn, right?" Zi Nian smiled. The wizard blinked.Angrily, the wizard pinched Zi Nian fiercely, and Zi Nian screamed in pain.

Such a scene does not exist in Beauty Island, only people with good relationship like this...

Beauty Island will not change, it will always be like this, and I also want to leave it and go to the outside world to see... maybe to find my father, of course, there are so many people, I don’t even know my real name, who to go to? Well, forget it.In short, Xiaomei doesn't want to be like everyone else, living hungrily on Beauty Island all her life.

That is definitely not life. She has heard Mr. Caohe tell stories about the outside world. What she wants most is to go to the world, where she can live the ordinary life of ordinary people. No one dares to say these words, otherwise she will be considered crazy , If the Queen knew, she would definitely kill her. The beauty belongs to the Beauty Island, life after life, if someone wants to leave, the Queen must kill her. This kind of thing has happened before, and it is passed on orally, and it will be kept in mind.

"I heard from my friends, what kind of friends are you?" Xiaomei asked.

Zi Nian just smiled and didn't answer, but Xiao Mei couldn't bear to keep asking questions along the way.

"I heard from those white-haired men..." Zi Nian said, he didn't mention Luoyue, which was also a kind of protection.

"Hehe, it turns out it's those heartless men who are still alive. In our hearts, they have died ten thousand times..." Xiaomei said disdainfully.

Regardless of whether there are beauties around Zi Nian or not, a good guy like him will naturally be handed over to the queen.When we arrived at the Beauty Island, the places we passed were indeed singing and dancing. Women of different ages gathered together. Some were washing yarn, some were singing and dancing, some were playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, some were strolling and tending flowers and plants, and some were swimming in the lake and fell into sorrow. , a piece of beautiful scenery, you can have a panoramic view here.

"What do you think?" Xiaomei asked tentatively.

"My lover is the best." After seeing Zi Nian, he was not tempted at all. He saw too many beauties of all kinds, and he couldn't tell the difference. The beautiful things are all similar, but important The most important thing is temperament. Zi Nian can tell at a glance if he has a good temperament, and he can be deeply attracted to him.

"That's the queen's palace, go in by yourself." Xiaomei pointed to the luxurious palace in front of her.

Along the way, there were few men. The men from the Ice and Snow Continent had already gone back, and Zi Nian couldn't go to the Ice and Snow Continent even if he didn't know why.The women all looked at him covetously, and also looked at Wu Nan with jealous eyes. It was the first time for Wu Nan to be envied and hated by so many women, which made him dumbfounded.

"Your name is Xiaomei. I have a friend named Mr. Caohe. He asked me to tell you that I hope you can be happy every day." Zi Nian said this before leaving.

"When will you come back?" Xiaomei wanted to chase after her, but she had already entered the palace lightly.

Welcome to the pastoral godmother's delicious food, all of which are simple, practical and interesting chemical knowledge.

(End of this chapter)

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