Peerless concubine pharmacist

Chapter 337 Dark Ladder

Chapter 337 Dark Ladder
There is no sky and no end above, and the bottom is like a dark cliff!
Underneath that, there are a few flashing white dots occasionally swaying, which is none other than Fuyao's shadow, holding a lantern, white veil skirt, long hair reaching waist!
That just means that at this moment, I am high off the ground, and if I fall, I will be smashed to pieces!

Before I knew it, I had climbed so high that the stairs were almost vertical. Looking down like this, I felt like I was on the edge of a cliff, and my heart was trembling!The atmosphere did not dare to take a few breaths!

There is no end ahead, it's almost like climbing a ladder, but this is the weakest part of the enchantment after all, Zi Nian can only continue to move forward, if you go down, there is really no place to stay, it is almost a vertical staircase!
Even if the center of gravity is not well controlled, it will fall!
Just now, I saw the girl below with white spots, her waist-length hair, white and white, but now she looks like a row of white teeth embedded in a black mouth, waiting for her to fall down and eat her own flesh and blood Woolen cloth!

The more he looked, the more scared he became, and after walking for a while, Zi Nian couldn't help but look again, ah, it became a bloody white pumpkin lantern!

It's too scary, ever-changing, every time I watch it, what I see is different, the only thing that remains the same is horror!
The feeling of horror permeates people throughout!

This dark ladder was walking at first, but now it is almost climbing!
Crawling until my legs are sore and my arms are weak, there is still no end!

Zi Nian threw down a moonlight crystal nucleus that could illuminate, and it took a long time before he heard the sound of "clang" and it fell to the bottom.

It was too far away from the bottom right now, and not long after falling, Bai Ying ate the moonlight crystal nucleus...

It seems that the dark ladder is not an illusion, but a real existence, hidden in the half symbol of the enchantment, Zi Nian was thinking, suddenly, his whole body shook...

What's going on here?

It turned out that it was the entire dark ladder that was shaking!Left, right, swing like a pendulum.

No way, this swing is getting stronger and stronger, and you can throw yourself off after a while...

Knowing that the dark ladder is not enough to stand on, but there is no place to stand, he took out two khaki crystal nuclei from the Zinian animal language ring. Just cling to the ladder...

In this way, when the ladder swings from side to side, Zi Nian's center of gravity can be a little more stable. Before he can look back at the aftermath of the catastrophe, the swing of the ladder has increased...

Seeing that it's about 180 degrees, Zi Nian's legs have already flown off the ladder, only two palms are still sticking to it, crystal nucleus, crystal nucleus, I know you are the most sticky, but I must resist it for my brother!

Brother's life depends on you!
The white elephant jumped up and down in the ring anxiously, with all his skills, he just couldn't get out!Damn the enchantment, when I see the owner of the enchantment, I will definitely pour some stinky urine on his head!
It was so anxious that it almost smashed its head!It looked at Luoyue, wishing that she was pretending to be poisoned, wishing that she would jump up all of a sudden, even if it held its ear and said: "Not bad, not bad, cold elephant ears!"

She always comes out that way.

But this time, White Elephant's desire to seek abuse was lost, and there was only a quiet pale and thin woman who seemed to have slept for thousands of years.

Swinging from side to side, Zi Nian's body became a reed in the wind, involuntarily, bumping with the wind.

Dang dang dang, dang dang...

The loud noise almost shattered the eardrums.

(End of this chapter)

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