Peerless concubine pharmacist

Chapter 829 Escape from the Dead

Chapter 829 Escape from the Dead
After Luoyue's incantation, I saw that the owner of the valley and the snow deer next to him turned into snowflakes and scattered all over the cave. Wherever they went, golden and silver lights shone endlessly...

Another scam!

"Congratulations, you have successfully completed the fifth lesson of identifying true and false." The old lady sweeping the floor was not surprised.

Luoyue was just trying, if he was the real valley owner, then it would be the same, if it was snow, he would probably reveal his true form, fortunately he is the queen who controls ice and snow, otherwise he would really be helpless.

In the cave where darkness and gold and silver criss-cross, Luoyue and her mother-in-law walked to the depths, a certain place in the deepest part was very dark, maybe a dark place is more suitable for hiding.

After all, Xue loves the owner of the valley so much, and being with her for many years has become a habit. Ever since her mother-in-law came last time, she said she wanted to take the owner of the valley away, and Xue began to think about it...

wow wow wow...

Before I got to the depths, the surrounding area was already covered with snow...

This at the same time proved that it was exactly what Xue did.

Xue buried Luoyue and the master, and there was no way out in any direction.

"Apprentice, your sixth lesson, escape from death." The master moved his mouth and didn't care about anything.

"Snow, gentle snow, passionate snow, you were originally kind-hearted, how could you bear to trap us for a long time? It's not with you. His mission is not in the Snow Valley, but in the Immortal World. Snow, snow, your fate must come to an end at this time. If the fate is deep enough, you will have a follow-up... But, you It cannot be stopped." Luoyue said slowly.

The surroundings were quiet, and I don't know which sentence touched Xue's heart.

The snow wall is gradually flying away...

A snow lantern appeared in front of him. The owner of the valley was lying on the snow bed, his eyes were slightly closed, and his face was pale. This was the real owner of the valley.

Snow flew by again, sobbing and moaning softly...

Wherever it flew over, the valley owner's body slowly came to life, and the snow deer next to him also woke up and stayed by the valley owner's side.

"Ah Ling!" Gu Zhu was surprised to see her mother-in-law.

It turned out that the master's name was A Ling, and this was the first time Luoyue heard of the master's name.

"Valley Master, Snow Deer, don't come here without any harm..." the mother-in-law laughed, this time she is the real Valley Master.

"Ah, why is the goddess so young? Her appearance has changed, but this bloodline..." Gu Zhu immediately turned to Luoyue, looking at her in surprise.

"I'm not a goddess, I'm a descendant of a goddess, Luoyue, hello Guzhu." Luoyue introduced herself.

"No wonder, no wonder, such a strong..." Gu Zhu couldn't find an adjective to describe his shock, because he lay down for too long and didn't speak.

"The owner of the valley is only lying down, how is his spiritual cultivation?" the master asked.

"Everything is fine, just waiting for my seal to be broken. I have been waiting for thousands of years for this day." The owner of the valley touched the snow deer beside him. The beauty of this real spirit beast has reached the extreme. It is vivid enough, but when you actually see it, you will still be amazed that there is such a thing in the world.

"Xue'er, I understand what you think about me, and I also understand that we have been with each other all this time. You protect me, protect me, and take care of me. I will never forget it in this life. After I help the goddess to complete the great cause, I will come here again to be with you Let's continue the frontier, okay?" Gu Zhu asked.

That Xuewu whimpering sound became more intense...

"The Goddess has the grace of knowing my destiny. You know everything about me. I have sworn to be loyal to the death for thousands of years. I don't think you will like a person who can't fulfill the promise. Besides, the grace of dripping water, the spring of spring Report to each other..." Gu Zhu said again.

(End of this chapter)

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