Chapter 849

"Did you hear any sound?" Luoyue asked the little city owner.

"No, it's very quiet around here." The little city lord looked at the queen.

No, Luoyue definitely heard Zi Nian's call, was it her age, was it her imagination?Or is it an illusion caused by too much thinking?
He listened again, but there was no sound.

But just now, Luoyue was more willing to believe that it wasn't her own imagination, but the moment when the old glory days opened up that aroused Zi Nian's energy field.

Perhaps, this is the best clue left by Zi Nian.

Luoyue pulled out the key, and all the beautiful scenery around them disappeared instantly, and they were still in place, amidst the ruins.

"It's amazing, Queen, what your key unlocks is time! We just traveled through time!" The little boy was so surprised that he didn't recover.

"It's just the images of the old days being projected, how can it be so easy to travel back to the past." Luoyue said.

"This is the coolest thing my family has ever experienced. Let's go back. I won't tell anyone. This is a secret between me and the queen, and my future Mrs. Francis, too." The little boy was afraid The queen told the castellan or the grand maester.

The two went back. At this time, the person who saw Luoyue coming had already reported to the city lord.

The city lord knew that the queen was with her son, so he didn't bother them.

The city lord, the city lord's wife, and the bachelor, of course welcomed the queen with great enthusiasm.

The bachelor even prepared a new dress for the queen. Since Luoyue came, she chatted and laughed happily with everyone, and she didn't mention what happened to her at all.

During the banquet, I heard the city lord talk about the latest harvest, system, people's livelihood, and various anecdotes of the Ice and Snow Continent...

Luoyue stayed for three days and then left.

Although he was in Ice and Snow City for the past three days, he still thought about that voice in his heart.

She went there later, but she didn't hear about it, so she could only use her memory to judge, figure out, and speculate...

Although Ah Ling and the guards betrayed her, when she came here, Luoyue's heart was peaceful. This was the land she saved, and it was also the land she loved. In a sense, this was her hometown, her home. .

How can you not be warm when you get home.

It was during these three days that Luoyue speculated that Zi Nian's voice for help seemed to contain an echo, and that echo seemed to come from a cave.

What kind of cave would it be?

Where did Ah Ling hide Zi Nianhui?
Perhaps the most dangerous place is the safest place. Ah Ling's thinking is unusual, and he tasted the echo carefully. It is really a bit like a crystal cave, which is the crystal cave they retreated.

Three days later, the Queen left the Ice and Snow Continent and returned to the Water Ze Continent.

Luoyue was near the crystal cave.

She went in and started searching every inch of the ground again, calling his name, hoping for a hint.

Hearing his own echo, it was really similar to the one inspired by that image, which convinced Luoyue that Zi Nian was in the crystal cave.

Luoyue seals the entrance of the cave, puts moonstones inside, shines bright lights, releases white elephants, hundred dragons, phoenixes, skeleton hands, colorful, etc., and everyone looks for a new breakthrough together.

There was a lot of noise here.

Everyone wants to claim credit for being the first to find Zi Nian.All kinds of knocking, searching, sniffing, kicking, no need to take into account the prototype of the crystal cave.

Pangolins and other small animals have already begun to dig three feet, which is their housekeeping skill.However, it doesn't look like there is an underground chamber here.

A Lingshan's trick, will he hide Zi Nian in Qimen Dunjia?

Luo Yue suddenly thought so.

Because no one has found Zi Nian.

(End of this chapter)

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