Chapter 918
Luoyue has no other ready-made antidote, and the antidote for Sleeping Night Flower needs to be extracted from the flower stalk.

"This little fresh meat won't be so cheap..." the skeleton hand said.

"Yeah, we haven't eaten it yet." Fenghuang said.

"You can't keep a tiger in trouble. I think it's better to let him die while he's at it. He'll take our secrets with him," said the skeleton hand.

let him die.

Thinking of this, and looking at his immersed shadow, Luoyue felt an indescribable sadness in her heart. Even if she risked being betrayed in the future, she still didn't want him to die.

Maybe everything has its own will, otherwise, why did Qianqing Zhuolian mature at this time?It happened to be this time.

Luo Yue became cruel, took the lotus seeds, flew to the middle of the lake, picked up Zi Nian, put the seeds in his mouth, and swallowed...

After feeding him some ice lake water, Zi Nian gradually became conscious.

I don't know why, but it hurts to see him like this.

Maybe I was moved by his emotion, if he didn't have someone he loved deeply in his heart, or at least had loved deeply and understood the meaning of love, he wouldn't have been tortured to such an extent by One Night Sleeping Flower.

Those who have a deep love in their hearts must have a kind person.

But is the person he deeply loves a man or a woman?Luoyue forgot that she had been holding Zi Nian all this time, and she didn't let him go until he became conscious.

Zi Nian dreamed in a trance that his statue was alive and came to save himself.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw Luoyue...

"Little aunt, little aunt..."

He couldn't help but rush forward and hug her tightly.


Luoyue slapped Zi Nian without hesitation.

"Little grave robber, no matter whether your toxicity is there or not, you can never take advantage of my sister!"

Luoyue shouted.

Hey, how could I call such an irrelevant title, it seems that the words came out of my mouth...

"How do you know that I used to rob tombs for a living?" Zi Nian covered his face, feeling aggrieved.

Luoyue didn't know how to answer.

"Why are you taking advantage of me? Isn't the poison completely cured?" Luoyue asked.Then he took out an ice cube and applied it to his cheek, that slap was not light.

"I thought you were my statue resurrected..." Zi Nian said.

"Nonsense." Luoyue didn't believe it.

Zi Nian really moved the statue out of the animal language ring, his fairy sister, her eyes were exactly the same as Luo Yue's.

Luoyue was very surprised, it was really the same.You have my statue, I have your portrait, it's amazing.

"Who is your little aunt?" Luoyue asked.

"Little aunt, I don't have little aunts, but I do have a few uncles." Zi Nian thought for a while and said.

"You clearly called little aunt just now." Luoyue said.

Zi Nian didn't remember shouting those words at all, just in a daze, as if some fragments slipped through his mind, but they were too unclear...

"Your poison is cured, you took Qianqing Zhuolian, but I saved you." Luoyue said.

"Understood, Lord Luoyue, I owe you a favor, but I will not tell you about the fact that you peeked at the file. I will pay you back the favor in the future. I know that Qianqing Zhuolian is not an ordinary antidote. .” Zi Nian said.

"Why are you so stupid, you don't feed yourself, but give me such a precious thing? You can cure this poison with ordinary antidote." Zi Nian rubbed his head.

"It's not because you've been poisoned too deeply. In addition, I want you to owe me a big favor. The grace of saving your life is extraordinary." Luoyue said.

"Oh, my white elephant is still there, and Meixia..." Zi Nian suddenly remembered, hurried back to the spot, and saw an astonishing and unexpected scene...

(End of this chapter)

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