Chapter 920
"Who is this girl? Seeing that your beauty is obviously higher than that of Meixia, are you also poisoned? Brother Bai, my physical strength has recovered, and I can save you. Just tell me if you need it. You're welcome. The more beautiful the girl, the better I can perform." Bai Xiang's shameless words angered Fenghuang and Banlan.

How dare you be rude to my master!

The two birds looked at each other, pulled out a rope and immediately tied it, wrapped it around its elephant's nose, and pulled it hard, only to hear a scream like killing an elephant...

"Grandma, please forgive me." Bai Xiang felt that his nose was about to be strangled. There are so many types of women, some are gentle and caring, and some are ruthless. My master, in the future your wife will be looking for You will be happy only if you are a bully, so don't look for such a bully.

Luoyue nodded, then Fenghuang and Banlan stopped, and pulled away the rope. The white elephant's nose swelled up a lot, and he lamented that he shot himself in the foot with a stone, and really had to avoid these women from now on... …

Zi Nian was also embarrassed to say anything, after all, Bai Xiang was his pet, and this guy was becoming more and more independent, and he was really neglectful of discipline.

The two put away their pets respectively, and then looked at each other with some embarrassment.

"Why did you come to the fairyland?" Luoyue broke the embarrassment, and the two looked at Meixia who was sleeping not far away.

"I'm looking for my mother." Zi Nian said, "What about you?"

"I'm looking for someone too." Luoyue said.

"Did you find it?" Zi Nian asked.

Luoyue shook her head.

"I didn't find it either. My mother came to find my father, and I came to find my mother." Zi Nian said.

Looking at Zi Nian, a sense of sadness and happiness surged through Luo Yue's heart.Parents are both, that is the regret that I don't have.

"Do you really like the same sex, or don't you like Meixia?" Luoyue asked.

"Do you think I like people of the same sex?" Zi Nian smiled, "It's just a stopgap measure. The girl I don't like, I don't want to have anything to do with her at any time and under any circumstances. If you are passionate, you will have future troubles Infinity. Some troubles should not be provoked."

"Could it be that you have experience in this area?" Luoyue asked.

Zi Nian can't recall his love history anymore, and he really doesn't remember the part.

"It's not the first time to wipe my mount's butt." Zi Nian said helplessly.

"I should go, Zi Nian. She is about to wake up too. Let's go back and see you later." Luoyue said.

"Is your partner not here?" Zi Nian asked.

"Here it is, elsewhere."

"I found a few weeds of hate and hatred, but unfortunately, they didn't crystallize." Zi Nian took it out from his bosom, as if what he took out was a piece of sincerity.For some reason, when Laojun announced what everyone was looking for, the first thing Zi Nian remembered was the grass of hatred, not his one-night sleeping flower...

Luoyue smiled, turned and left.

The night of the third day has come, and the last afterglow has been drowned.

Early morning of the fourth day.

Zi Nian and Mei Xia have an awkward encounter.

"Anyway, the Sleeping Flower is already in hand, why don't we spend the rest of the time wandering around Penglai Xiandao and gather at the bow of the boat when we leave?" Meixia suggested.

Her heart was already full of spring, and she dreamed of her brother Bai all night. Now she only hopes to get rid of Zi Nian, hope to continue to meet with brother Bai, and spend the remaining days of romance in a deserted place on Xiandao...

This is exactly what Zi Nian wants...

The two parted ways.

Luoyue didn't know that the crystal nucleus of the Hate Cultivation Grass had been taken away by the witch man, and she was still carrying out a blanket search in the depths of the fairy island, not letting go of any place with water...

The witch man didn't follow.

Luoyue searched for a long time, but all she got was hate grass without a crystal nucleus, so she was inevitably a little discouraged...

(End of this chapter)

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