Peerless concubine pharmacist

Chapter 973 Kiss Her Dress

Chapter 973 Kiss Her Dress
Her smile is getting brighter and brighter. This kind of A Mei is actually more beautiful than when she was coquettish, maybe she doesn't know it.

"You have already tried the dagger, now change to another way of death, maybe it will make your experience more profound." Luoyue said.

Ah Mei opened her eyes again: "You are welcome, as long as I die by your hands, it will be the happy ending of my reincarnation."

"Since you have repented, I might as well tell you one thing. In fact, I still have another identity. I am a pharmacist. My specialty is all kinds of poisons. I will give you a poison now. It passes through the intestines, not too much. Painful." Luoyue finished speaking and took out a pill from the space, it was brown in color.

"Thank you for your kindness, I accept it with a smile." A Mei opened her mouth, Luoyue put the pill into her mouth, it melted in the mouth, there was no room for regret.

Ah Mei only felt that she was gradually losing consciousness. She didn't even have time to go through the people she knew before she died, and she entered a deep coma state. This state is actually a kind of drift between death and coma.

She doesn't know anything anymore.

Looking at that smiling and calm face, Luoyue took out the small accompanying ice falcon crystal from the rouge ring, and repaired all the broken meridians and internal injuries of her body one by one.

When it was finished, the ice falcon crystal had turned black, and it needed to be purified and degaussed in the crystal cluster to nourish new energy.If the big crystal is there, it won't be like this.

This also means that before the purification of the small crystal, Luoyue cannot suffer serious internal injuries...

Half an hour later, Ah Mei came back from the free state, and slowly opened her eyes.

"Why is the dormitory in hell the same as the one I lived in?" She said slowly.

"Hell is full today, so I won't accept you." Luoyue said expressionlessly.

Ah Mei heard the voice and turned to Luoyue, she just turned subconsciously, but found that she could turn her head...

Surprised, she subconsciously moved her head with her hands, and she could really twist it back and forth, and she could move her hands too...


Ah Mei sat up from the bed all of a sudden, and looked at Luoyue with unbelievable eyes, what was hidden in it was strangeness.

"After lying down for so long, it's time for you to come down and give thanks." Luoyue said.

Ah Mei looked at her legs after hearing this, and moved slightly, oh my god, they can move!

She held onto the side of the bed in shock and joy, her feet finally stood firm, what does it feel like, it's like being reborn!

"Lord Luoyue—" Immediately, Ah Mei knelt down at Luoyue's feet and kissed her dress!

"It was your elixir that saved me. You actually saved me and didn't let me go to the endless hell. Why is that? You have to know how unscrupulous I have been to harm you." A Mei asked puzzled.

"Your repentance and epiphany have risen, and you have gone to hell. I believe that you will live out your true self in the future." Luoyue said softly.

All the beating of the chest has turned into silence and astonishment.

There was also a long sigh in my heart.

"My lord, you not only reborn my body, but also my soul. I am willing to serve you all my life. I believe that your future in the fairy world is immeasurable. If you don't dislike me, please accept me." .” Ah Mei knelt on the ground, just wanting to have a support in her heart.

Luoyue patted her shoulder lightly.

"From now on, you will be a member of my Luoyue Gate, only you and I will know."

Ah Mei nodded repeatedly, flattered.

Luoyue has her own calculations. In the fairy world, she needs eyeliner and assistants, and when she is kind to others, she often gets these.

With only his own strength, he didn't know who controlled Zi Nian to kill him.

People with three teachings and nine streams are needed.

(End of this chapter)

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