Chapter 975
"New love and old love, it seems that I have a good fortune tonight, hahaha..." A Mole laughed wildly, a pervert is his true nature.

Seeing that Luoyue and A Mei are about to be subdued by A Mole...

"This is his true face." Luoyue said.

"I will try my best not to let him succeed. He is not worthy of anyone's love at all." A Mei said firmly.

Luoyue felt that it was time to use some tricks.

"You two little Sanxians, you are not ashamed to speak out here. I have already asked my friends to set up shields around you. If you shout your throat, no one will come to rescue you. They are all in my pocket. Where do you want to escape? It’s a matter of time before it becomes my food, hahaha.” Mole laughed.

With his laughter, four of his friends appeared around...

They are all Baixian, but they are just low-level figures of Baixian, but their spiritual power is much higher than that of Luoyue and A Mei, and with a few people working together, the chances of winning are sure.

Even if Luoyue used her power, she might not be able to deal with several people together, and A Mei was already a little exhausted, and she had to be considerate if she continued to fight.

The encirclement was so small, the obscene laughter of several men spread throughout the space.

"You women are destined to be weak in the fairy world. I will throw you an olive branch and stand by them, but you don't know how to flatter. Go." Ah Mo laughed again.

"Pfft... pfft..."

A puff of smoke came from nowhere and filled the surroundings.

"It smells like medicine." After Ah Mei finished speaking, she felt more and more powerless...

"It's Cartilage Fairy Powder..." Luoyue had already smelled it out.

Inhaling a few mouthfuls will make people lose any strength for a short period of time, and their spiritual power will also be imprisoned...

Ah Mei herself was physically exhausted, and passed out this time...

Luoyue pretended to faint, she wanted to seize the opportunity and fight back, so she also fell beside Ah Mei...

Mole and a few people surrounded the two unconscious women and laughed out loud in the mist. It was the triumphant smile of a winner. Everything is up to the chief, let's have fun.

Suddenly, the laughter stopped abruptly, and the complexions of the people headed by A Mo suddenly turned bad...

It is a powerful spiritual force, and it is an aura that everyone knows. His arrival will inevitably bring about extremely cruel things...

Several people's faces froze.

"Witch, Master Shaman..." When Mole and the others reacted, a shadow appeared in front of them, hard, lofty, noble and majestic, and an irreversible aura filled the surroundings...

Several people knelt down in front of the wizard, and the night wind blew his black cloak in the direction of the moon.

"The night is dark and the wind is high, when hunting for beauty is in full swing." The wizard said coldly.

"Master Shaman, we are just, just joking." One of the men said.

"Hehe..." At this time, the witch man stretched out a hand from his sleeve, and when it reached the other party's throat, his nails suddenly turned into sharp knives, cutting off the tongue of the man who was talking, and fell to the ground, spurting blood. But he didn't dare to yell, because if he yelled, he might die.

"I don't like liars, this is a small price." The wizard wiped his fingers, but he didn't feel any blood or tongue.

The others didn't dare to speak anymore, they were here to help Mole...

"If you like it, you can give it to you first, no, no, no, I mean give it to you. I honor you." A Mole was also terrified, and had to answer the words of the wizard.

(End of this chapter)

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