Chapter 930
Chapter 950 Seven

"What's wrong?" Su Yue followed Tang Xiaonuan's gaze, a little surprised, "Why is it her?"

"I didn't expect..." Tang Xiaonuan's voice was a little low.

After a lapse of the Chinese New Year, we actually met again.The North City is actually not that big, and they only meet now, which is a bit late, and it's still in this kind of situation.If she passes by now, that person must be furious and scolding others.

That woman was beaten a bit miserably. After all, there were many people on the other side, all of whom were women in their 50s and [-]s. I think that woman's husband was not young.

It's really disgraceful to be a mistress, and most people passing by cast contemptuous glances at that young woman.

"Stand farther away." Tang Xiaonuan still couldn't bear it, and walked over after talking to Su Yue.

"Please stop."

Tang Xiaonuan walked over and raised her voice and shouted.

"What kind of onion are you?"

"Could it be this bitch's accomplice too?"

Four or five middle-aged women looked at her and spoke poorly.

The woman lying on the ground looked up at Xiao Nuan, with a panicked expression, she got up and was about to run, but was caught by one of the fat women again.

"I still want to run, little Sao Lang hoof, I have to mess with your face today." The other party's expression was very ferocious, as if he hated this young woman to the core.

Tang Xiaonuan sighed, as if he didn't know what to do.

Su Yue watched anxiously and raised his hand.

The people who protected her at any time quickly surrounded her and rescued the young woman.

Four or five middle-aged women looked at each other, slapped the young woman and left, probably knowing that Xiao Nuan was not easy to mess with.

The woman covered her face with her bag and wanted to leave, but the high heels she was wearing sprained and fell to the ground.

Tang Xiaonuan leaned over to help her, but she threw her arm away immediately.

"Tang Xiaonuan, did you come to see my jokes!" Tang Nuo looked at Tang Xiaonuan and shouted annoyedly.

"Let's find a place to sit first." Tang Xiaonuan pulled her up, "Maybe those people are still outside the door."

Tang Nuo still had lingering fears when she thought of the women who beat her just now, gritted her teeth, and obeyed, why bother to get beaten again in vain just to avoid Tang Xiaonuan.

They found a secluded place to sit down at the coffee shop in the shopping mall, and Tang Nuo went to the bathroom to mend his clothes. He looked less embarrassed, but half of his face was still swollen.

She had been shrinking on the ground just now, and those women didn't hit her in the face, but she was slapped at the last moment.

"Long time no see." Tang Nuo was holding a coffee cup, pretending to be elegant, she looked at Xiao Nuan, her eyes listened to the necklace around her neck, and said calmly: "Three or four years, right? You seem to be doing well, are you married to that Young Master Yu?"

She is also someone who has experienced the market, and she can tell from Tang Xiaonuan's jewelry that she is doing well.Any necklace is a six-figure special custom-made model, and she has seen it countless times in magazines.

Su Yue touched Tang Xiaonuan's hand, not wanting her to be entangled with Tang Nuo for too long.To be able to save her in that situation was the utmost kindness. After all, when Tang Nuo hurt Xiao Nuan three years ago, he never had any scruples about his affection.

On the contrary, Xiaonuan shook her head gently. Although she and Tang Nuo had no sisterhood, she still had the blood of Tang's father and mother in her body.

(End of this chapter)

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