Chapter 951 is cutting
The sharp end of the Rubik's Cube hit Asakura Nana's forehead, leaving a blood mark.

The pain she put on Eris, now Eris pays back.

Asakura Nana washed her eyes clean, her eye sockets were flushed.She sat there tightly, staring at Eris who stood in the distance, and the servant was giving her medicine.

Everyone knows that Asakura is a woman who loves beauty very much, and she can't bear to have her face hurt the most.And now, Eris smashed her forehead, maybe leaving a scar.

Eris touched his arm, then his chin.Looking down, the little hand was stained with blood, and it was still in pain.She felt a little aggrieved, and her mouth was covered with a very unhappy look.

Mommy, Daddy, why don't you come here, there is a woman bullying me here.

Cough cough, but little friend, you also changed back, right?

After treating the wound, the servant retreated silently.

Nana Asakura stood up and walked towards Eris slowly, with a terrible emotion in her eyes.

If you don't run now, when will you wait!

Eris turned around and ran with short legs, but unfortunately, a certain little princess tripped and fell to the ground.

When she looked back, Asakura Nana had already walked over.She flinched back, but said nothing.

Asakura Nana held the potion in her hand, smiled sweetly and leaned over to drip it into Eris' eyes.At this critical moment, a pair of long arms reached over, and Eris was hugged away by someone.

"Nai Nai, I haven't seen you for more than a year, but you are still so cute."

The other party was wearing a floral shirt with a rose embroidered on the collar of the shirt.He was tall, with three-dimensional features, and his eyes were as beautiful as sea water.

Asakura Nana took half a step back and looked at him, then put away the potion in her hand, and said with a sweet smile, "Gose, it's been a long time."

"Why, why don't you invite your old friend to have a cup of tea?" Rose hugged Eris without letting go, smiling at Yanyan, full of coquettishness.

"Please." Nana made a gesture, and then took a step first.

As soon as she turned around, the expression on her face changed.It took only two months for Gu Meigui to be imprisoned before he escaped, and now why he came to Asakura Nana couldn't be more clear.

Rose looked at the marks on Eris' arms and chin, and said distressedly: "It's still late, baby, uncle, I'm sorry."

Eris looked at him curiously, "Who are you?"

"I'm Gu Meigui." Meigui shook her little hand, and introduced formally: "It's the first time we meet Gu Huan, and I've known you for a long time."

He had heard Gu Mingyuan praise his little niece more than once, and when he saw her today, she was really extraordinary.Those little eyes, and that chubby little face.

"Hi." Eris said solemnly.

With the same surname as her, it is probably a relative of Daddy's.But before you figure out the relationship, don't talk nonsense, Eris said silently in her heart.

When Rose entered with Eris in her arms, Nana had already made tea.

She knelt and sat in front of the tea table, peacefully like a picture of a lady.

But Nana Asakura's cup of tea is not so easy to drink.

Rose sat down with Eris, and his hands were protecting the little princess from beginning to end.

"What are you doing with a child?" Rose looked at Nana on the opposite side, and said tenderly, "This is not like you."

"What is it like me?" Nana washed the tea, brought it to him, looked at him and said, "Why do I arrest her, don't you know all too well?"

Everyone thought that she arrested this little guy just to threaten Tang Xiaonuan and Yu Kongchen, but they didn't know that she just wanted to lure Gu Meigui out.

Gu Meigui's concealment skills are world-class, and there is almost no one or anything in this world that can restrain him.Just had this opportunity to catch this little girl, but I didn't expect Gu Meigui to really come.

Thinking of this, Asakura Nana's eyes on Eris changed.

(End of this chapter)

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