Chapter 53

Lin Chengyu asked Meng Zhongcan to take out the map, pointed at the nearby Qujiagou in Nanshan on the map, then tapped the main road east of Qujiagou, then drew a line to the west with his finger, and said: "The devil is coming from the direction of Chaoyang." Come, we must come through the road of Sidaojingzi, let's go to Qujiagou now, we will attack their vanguard troops on the high ground before we come."

As he spoke, Lin Chengyu paused, pointed at the Nanshan terrain on the map, and continued: "As long as the devil's vanguard troops are brought over, we will retreat towards Nanshan. As soon as we enter the mountain, the devil's cavalry will become Infantry, their heavy machine guns are much heavier than ours. If we seize the opportunity in the middle and wipe out the devils who searched in the mountains, it will inevitably attract a larger group of devils. We will take advantage of our light equipment and fight while fighting. Withdrew to the west and kept in the mountainous area, so that the mobility of the devil cavalry could not be brought into play, and then kept killing and harassing the devils at all times, with the devil's vengeful temperament, he must not stop until we are wiped out."

Meng Zhongcan and Chen Qing looked at the line drawn westward by Lin Chengyu on the map. They wanted to follow the devil's temper and lure the devil farther and farther.However, Meng Zhongcan still raised a question, "You also said that the devils and Liu Guitang's troops are so numerous, what should we do if we divide our troops to search in other directions?"

"Leave this to me. I have a way to attract the attention of the devils. Last time I could hook them out of Chifeng City, and this time I can hook them to follow us. As for Liu Guitang, he has to listen to the devils."

Meng Zhongcan nodded, and didn't ask any more questions, but Chen Qing was gearing up. This was exactly what He Yatou said. If you really want to drain the devils and a brigade, you may need to add more than 1 people from Liu Guitang. Hearing the incident, Chen Qing's heart was burning hot, this is exciting, the boss can cause more troubles than himself, and if he provokes, it will be a business of tens of thousands of people.

Seeing that the two had no other problems, Lin Chengyu yelled at everyone to set off, and also left the newly recovered Chifeng City, heading towards Qujiagou in the south of the city.


As Liu Chunji said, Liu Guitang's team was blown up by 20 mortar shells, and even a cannon was destroyed by the ammunition of the shells. I understand very well in my heart that people and horses are very important to me, otherwise I don't know how many people want my own life. In this city, more than [-] shells were thrown without saying anything. Liu Guitang was so frightened that he quickly gathered his troops and withdrew to the north. I just want to be prosperous and rich, but I don't really want to work for the Japanese.

Liu Guitang retreated in a hurry, but the Fourth Cavalry Brigade was marching at an accelerated pace. Kennosuke Mogi had already received the intercepted telegram. It's just a matter of time to quarrel with the name of "Galvatron". How could Kennosuke Mogi not know that this guy is the original culprit of the previous Chifeng shelling incident, and that weird artillery unit must be related to this guy Otherwise, I wouldn’t know the whole story of the Chifeng bombardment incident. Wasn’t it because I chased after this army that I worked so hard to get to Chaoyang?
Unexpectedly, the Great Japanese Empire would let a group of bandits come to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and now even Chifeng City is lost in their hands. The huge explosion sound just now is evidence. It seems that the empire transported supplies to Chifeng for the Duolun battle. It was reduced to ashes.

Kennosuke Motegi ordered the whole brigade to speed up, and even ordered the front troops to rush to Chifeng at the fastest speed without any hesitation, and bite the enemy. This time, they can't let them go.

Thinking of this troop, Kennosuke Motegi gritted his teeth with hatred, because of this troop, his own Fourth Cavalry Brigade ran around and became a laughing stock of the imperial army.

Originally, the attack on the paddock went smoothly, and Sun Dianying's troops had already been chased towards the Half Tower. As a result, Chifeng was shelled, and his troops were hastily transferred back to Chifeng for security searches, and lost the victory that could have wiped out Sun Dianying's troops.

However, after more than ten days of public security searches around Chifeng, they found nothing. Before they had time to rest and reorganize the troops, the artillery regiment of the Sixth Division was attacked by heavy artillery on the way to support the front line of the Great Wall. The combat goal is to support the Great Wall, and such a task is added to the Fourth Cavalry Brigade.He led his troops to search and pursue Ye Baishou all the way.

As soon as he arrived at Ye Baishou, he learned that Jinzhou Airport was attacked by heavy artillery, and the entire airport was destroyed. Seeing that the enemy had entered the territory of Liaoning, Kennosuke Mogi thought about it and decided to continue the pursuit. After chasing Chaoyang, he received an order from the Kwantung Army Command to return to Chifeng. After resting and resupplying, he continued the Duolun operation and cut off the connection between Manzhou and Chahar.The troops that infiltrated Liaoning were jointly searched by the 16th Cavalry Regiment and the Yu Zhishan Department.

This order forced Kennosuke Motegi to return with his fourth cavalry brigade bitterly. In the early days of the Battle of Rehe, how heroic his own cavalry brigade was to conquer Chifeng before the sixth division. Disgraced by such an army.

Thinking of the telegram from the Kwantung Army Headquarters, Liu Guitang's department had already set off from Kailu to Chifeng, and Mogi Kennosuke ordered the dispatched soldiers to set off, and hurriedly went to check where Liu Guitang's department was now, and asked them to speed up to Chifeng. This time, if you want to cooperate with the imperial army to encircle this chaotic army regardless of the cost, you must complete all your achievements in one battle to wash away the hatred in your heart.

A cavalry squadron marching at the front received an order from the brigade and regiment headquarters, and they galloped without hesitation. At first, they heard the sound of artillery from the direction of Chifeng from a distance, and thought that the imperial army was still fighting.

But when we got to Tabusu, the sound of the cannon had stopped. The Devil Squadron yelled at Baga, urging the troops to hurry up, and must catch up with the troops in China, so that this mysterious army could not escape again.

Under the urging of the squadron leader, they rushed on the road quickly. As a result, the squadron had just passed the four wells for two or three kilometers, and the sky in front of them roared and dropped shells. Such a fast horse speed could not be stopped. The devils The cavalry ran directly towards the landing point of the shells, and the other devils all pulled out their horses' heads to change directions, and some devils pulled out their horses' heads too quickly, and even the horses and the people turned over.

The devils who ran away immediately found the hidden terrain, and some devils who were avoiding towards the Nanshan side rushed directly to the high ground.

Lin Chengyu took advantage of everyone's inattention and secretly looked at the tablet. Lin Chengyu set the landing point of the shells. He originally wanted to scare the devils and attract their attention. He didn't expect that some devils would hit them.

Meng Zhongcan took a look through the binoculars and found that there was a squadron of devils on the main road, which had now dispersed, and there were not many devils charging over, only twenty or thirty. He ordered the artillery crew to adjust and fire a few more rounds. Make the devils on the road anxious, let them follow, and then evacuate here.

 If you pass by, there is a place on the bookshelf to collect one, and if you have a recommendation, give us a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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