Chapter 340
The Beauty Pavilion is already hung with lanterns, hazy and charming.

The sound of silk footsteps inside, accompanied by the giggling of the girls, really is a bustling and bustling scene.

Xia Lanxi stepped in.

The girl inside saw her eyes lit up, and immediately walked over gracefully, waving her handkerchief.

"Hey, young master, do you come here to drink and listen to the opera, or come to listen to the piano and talk. This girl is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and you can keep one of them to satisfy you."

"Young master is so handsome and as cold as a bamboo. He must love playing the flute. This girl is a master at playing the flute."

"Oh, blowing the flute and listening to the piano and so on are all used by literati to pretend to be a facade. Our young master is handsome, so we don't need to put on a facade. Just order something good. This girl can dance the flying dance on the plate. Would you like to watch it, young master?" look."


All the girls spoke to each other, with sweet smiles, and surrounded Xia Lanxi to promote themselves.

After all, it was rare to see such a handsome young master, which aroused their strong maternal brilliance, and they were willing even if they didn't accept money.

Xia Lanxi was delighted to see the girls being so enthusiastic, and really wanted to have them all.

With a cold face at the moment, he said in a low voice, "Since the girls are so enthusiastic, I will not be disrespectful, so let's play the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and songs, silk and foot orchestra, and dancing on the plate."

Caisang taught her to speak, and she also used a man's voice.

All the girls were stunned for a moment, and then they all giggled together.

All kinds of flowers and branches trembled.

This little boy is fine, he is domineering and rich enough, they like it very much.

Immediately they surrounded him and walked in.

Picking mulberry and lotus saw the corners of their eyes twitching.

Miss, can't you keep a low profile, order so many girls at one point, how embarrassing are other young masters.

The young man who came in behind saw that the young man was the only one in the eyes of the girls without them, and his face turned dark on the spot.

"What's going on in the Beauty Pavilion, do you want to do business!"

"That's right, why didn't someone reserve the venue with advance notice, what's the matter with leaving us here? Believe it or not, I smashed the Beauty Pavilion."


Feng Wuyan inside heard something was wrong, and hurried out holding the handkerchief.

Seeing all the girls clustered around a handsome young man, he scolded, "What are you doing, didn't you see any guests coming?"

After scolding coldly, he smiled coquettishly, pinched his waist, walked over with a beautiful cat, and said in a sweet voice, "Don't be angry, sir, the girls saw some acquaintances playing around, sir, please go upstairs, the girl will be there soon." .”

The young masters were appeased, and then calmed down and walked upstairs.

Immediately, several girls followed up to serve.

Feng Wuyan turned her head to look at Xia Lanxi, frowning.

This little boy, it seems that he has never seen it before, but he feels a little kind.

Just as she was being suspicious, she gave her a big wink.

Feng Wuyan was so enlightened that she immediately came back to her senses.

Damn girl, this disguise technique is amazing, her golden star fire eyes that know people's faces are almost fooled.

"Hey, it's the young master. Come, come, sit upstairs in the private room, play the piano with spring flowers, and serve wine in the autumn moon."

Feng Wuyan ordered quickly.


The busy Jiao Didi of Chunhua Qiuyue agreed.

Feng Wuyan led Xia Lanxi upstairs.

A group of girls were reluctant to give up and kept winking at the young master.

Xia Lanxi felt that the flirtatious eyes were well casted, so she thought about it carefully, and wanted to go back and throw it to Xiao Si to see.

Well, Xiao Si will definitely be fascinated by her, and his soul will fly away.

(End of this chapter)

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