The strongest perspective doctor

Chapter 1006 Leader Bristol

Chapter 1006 Leader Bristol
To be precise, until now, the holy city that Hao Ren has entered is not a real holy city, but only the space of the holy city.

This is like the relationship between Heavenly Prison City and Heavenly Prison Forest. Heavenly Prison Forest includes Heavenly Prison City, Dark Swamp, the forest outside the city, and the poisonous fog zone.In other words, Heavenly Prison City is only a part of Heavenly Prison Forest.

The same is true of the holy city, which is just a special city in the space of the holy city.The reason why it is special is because the leader Bristol lives in the holy city.Outside of the Holy City, there are much smaller towns, farmlands, pastures, and forests.

One hour before and after twelve o'clock in the middle of the night is the Zi time in the Chinese calendar, and one hour before and after twelve noon is the noon time in the Chinese calendar.During these two time periods, the leader of the Holy City, Bristol, has to practice.

Bristol's cultivation is different from that of Chinese warriors.He doesn't need to meditate, refine Qi, build a foundation, etc. He only needs to press his hands on a special crystal ball, and he can absorb all the power of faith contained in it and use it to strengthen himself.

More than 1000 years ago, the Chinese martial artist Piaomiao Weng opened the passage between the Heavenly Prison Forest and the Holy City space. After that, he lived in the Holy City space for a period of time and left the sequel of "Jie Jing".

After Misty Weng left the Holy City space, a small Christian sect who was persecuted in the Roman Empire came to the Holy City space by chance and brought a crystal ball.

This small Christian sect developed believers in the holy city, and soon spread their teachings to every corner of the holy city space.People in the holy city began to regard the leader of this sect as a god, and the power of their belief was absorbed into the crystal ball, and then enjoyed by the leader.

Since then, the leader of the sect began to call himself the leader.Because of enjoying people's offerings, beliefs and wishes, the leader began to have some supernatural powers, and their life span was much longer.

It has been more than 1000 years since the first leader, and there are less than ten leaders in their inheritance.Moreover, their magic power is getting higher and higher.These achievements are inseparable from the support of the power of faith of the people in the entire holy city space.

At noon, the current leader, Bristol, walked into his secret room and wanted to practice with a crystal ball.

Bristow was very fair and seemed a little unmanly.Although he is already over 200 years old, but because of his advanced cultivation, he looks like a middle-aged man in his early forties.

There is a square table in the center of Bristol's secret room, and a crystal ball with a diameter of one foot is placed on the square table.This crystal ball has been polished to be crystal clear. Although it has been rubbed for nearly 2000 years, it is still radiant.

Bristow pressed his hands on the crystal ball, feeling the heat flow of faith in the crystal ball, which is the energy flow that can be transformed into the power of faith, which can be used to call wind and rain, kill invisible, and also strengthen himself and improve mana.

Heat flowed through the outer wall of the crystal ball, into Bristow's hands, and then along his arms into his body.This procedure is a bit like the meridian circulation of Chinese warriors, but there are also big differences in it. Even martial arts masters may not be able to understand the mysteries of it.

More than half an hour later, Bristol absorbed the heat of faith in the crystal ball, and then withdrew his hands from the crystal ball.And the crystal ball will automatically continue to absorb the air of faith from this space.

But Bristol looked gloomy. He walked out of the secret room and yelled, "'Lion', come here!"

Soon, an unusually handsome man walked in from the outside: "Master, please order!"

Bristol said: "Why did the spirit of faith suddenly decrease this morning? You immediately ask people to go outside to see if there is anything unusual!"

"Lion" nodded respectfully: "Yes, leader!"

At this moment, suddenly an officer in a gorgeous uniform ran in from outside, and the officer said as he ran, "Master, Master!"

Bristol snorted coldly: "Mars, why don't you have any grace at all, you're in a panic!"

Mars quickly stood still and bowed to Bristol: "My lord, my four inspectors rode horses to inspect the people outside the city. I don't know why their horses came back, but the people disappeared!"

Bristol's face was solemn: "The four inspectors are gone, have they wandered somewhere?"

Mars bowed again: "Please rest assured, my lord, my subordinates guarantee their lives. They will never take advantage of the opportunity of performing official duties to do private affairs. The subordinates think that they may have encountered some accident!"

The "lion" standing beside Bristol sneered, "Mars, what do you mean? Are you saying that someone in our holy city wants to rebel? The leader is wise and powerful, generous and benevolent. How could this happen under his rule? Do you want to criticize the martial arts and martial arts of the leader!" With just one sentence, it is clear that the relationship between "Lion" and Mars is not harmonious.

Mars was startled, and quickly said: "'Lion', that's not what I mean, they may be because of other things, such as falling off a horse!"

Mars actually wanted to say that there might be a civil uprising outside the holy city, but if he told the truth, he would be attacked by "lions", so he changed his words immediately.

Bristow couldn't be impatient anymore: "You are all my confidants, why are you fighting openly and secretly with each other! I don't want to see this kind of situation again. If you continue like this, I will definitely punish you!"

"Lion" and Mars said in unison: "The subordinates dare not!"

Bristol said: "Mars, you immediately send your people to find me those four inspectors as soon as possible! Also, this morning, the spirit of faith in my crystal ball suddenly became thinner, so you can also check for me by the way. Check, where is the problem?"

"Yes, this subordinate will go and investigate in person!" Mars said, and retreated.

Before Mars went far, "Lion" said to Bristow: "Master, didn't you just arrange for me about the spirit of faith in the crystal ball?"

Bristol said to the "Lion": "Let Mars do that together. I want you to go to the Hell Forest for me to see how the battle is going!"

"Lion" complimented: "Master, you are so wise, you have sent Zuo Shengzi who is the best at commanding the army. He will definitely live up to your expectations. I believe the victory of the expeditionary force is on the way!"

Bristow held up the chin of the "lion" and said playfully, "You're getting better at talking!"

At this moment, I suddenly heard Mars' voice from outside: "Master, something is wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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