Chapter 501

Still have to suffer!When Scott heard this, he panicked.

Just now, Scott pointed out the direction of the casino for Hao Ren. He didn't want to lead the way, and Hao Ren didn't force him, so he went to the casino alone, and Scott also returned to his shop.As soon as he arrived at the store, Dr. Roman, a former customer and one of the richest men he sent pictures of human skin this time, came to his door.

After Scott took a photo of the human skin, he sent a total of three regular customers.One is the old Dr. Monroe in North America; the other is Prince Zare of Saudi Arabia; the other is the Duke of Nottingham Dracula in Europe.Old Dr. Monroe was the first to come because he was in North America, the closest to Columbia.

As soon as Scott saw the old Dr. Monroe, he immediately apologized to him, and explained to Dr. Monroe about the human skin that the business of human skin might not be possible.

Old Dr. Monroe was unimpressed, and he asked Scott to take him to the casino.From the old man's point of view, as long as he arrives, the other party will definitely sell him the human skin obediently, it's nothing more than a little extra money.The old man believed that in a small place like Leticia, no one knew the true use of that human skin.

However, Scott refused to lead the way.He knew that the casino must be in full swing at this time, and neither the Crocodile Gang nor Hao Ren wanted anyone to interfere.If Scott took people there, he would offend both the Crocodile Gang and Hao Ren.No matter how much money is given, he will not lead the way.

The old Dr. Monroe didn't intend to give money at all. He always believed in "a gentleman speaks but not fights." He gave the order to Cyclops, and Cyclops arrested Scott and beat him.After some punches and kicks, Scott was beaten all over his body.After being beaten, it is inevitable to lead the way for them.

Now that Scott has heard Hao Ren say that he will suffer next time, he wants to hang himself.

Hao Ren explained: "If I tell you about the importance of this human skin, you won't understand it. You just need to know that in today's world, anyone who is capable enough to see the picture you sent will want to get this human skin." I believe that within a few days, members of the European Dracula family and the Saudi royal family will come to you for human skins!"

Scott said: "Then I will tell them that the human skin has been sold!"

"If you want to say that the human skin is sold, they will ask you to provide the buyer's information!"

Scott wondered: "Why, do they want to buy it back from the buyer, or snatch it back?"

Hao Ren nodded: "Because they have money, in their view, there is nothing that money can't accomplish, and there is nothing that money can't buy. Even if they kill me, they still have a way to settle it. So, they will ask You provide my information."

Scott said: "So what to do? Don't say I don't have your information, even if I did, I wouldn't give them to them?" He said it like a hero.

Hao Ren laughed and said, "In the face of their torture, if you really have my information, you will definitely tell them. This way you can save yourself from being beaten!"

Scott was scolded by Hao Ren, and his face immediately turned red.Just now, he was beaten into submission by Cyclops, and had to take them to find the Crocodile Gang's casino.

"So what do I do?" Scott asked.

"Take your family and get out of here!" Hao Ren said.

"If you leave here, what will happen to my shop?" It seems that he is also a person who wants money but not life.

Hao Ren smiled and said, "Sell me your store! Make an offer!"

Scott asked: "You should have left here earlier!" But he thought about it again, his martial arts are so powerful, there is no need to run away.

The two walked while talking, and soon came to Scott's shop.Scott simply counted the items in the store, and asked Hao Ren the price, which was [-] US dollars.

Hao Ren didn't have any cash in hand, so he called Han Yan and asked her to order her accountant to transfer $[-] to Scott's account.So, Scott's store is Hao Ren's.

Hao Ren didn't want to be a small boss on a whim. He bought this shop for Antonio's tribe.That idiot Alu doesn't understand the market at all, and he sells the best crocodile skin for only [-] Colombian pesos, which is less than five dollars.

According to Hao Ren's intention, he planned to use the original clerks in this store as usual, and then asked Antonio to select a few smart young people from the tribe to come to this store to train.After a long time, these young people can sell things outside the tropical rainforest, so that the life of the tribe will improve a lot.

Hao Ren clearly remembered the ancient text that the old priest recited to Antonio before he died, "If there are descendants of Yan and Huang who come here in the future, I hope I can help them."He is a descendant of Yanhuang, since he heard this sentence, there is no reason not to help.

However, the help to this kind of primitive tribe cannot be achieved overnight, it must flow slowly.We must first change their living habits, everything slowly.

After receiving the money, Scott gave Hao Ren all the documents and procedures in the store, and signed a transfer contract with Hao Ren.Finally, he introduced the shop assistants to their new boss, and left Leticia that evening with his wife and children.

As soon as Scott left, Aqina from the Black Man tribe came, followed by the haggard Lova.

As soon as Aqina came in, he saw Hao Ren instead of Scott, and couldn't help being startled.However, Hao Ren had already forgiven him for stealing human skin last time, so he greeted Hao Ren respectfully.

Hao Ren asked, "Aqina, what are you doing here?"

A Qigang said, "I'm looking for Boss Scott."

Hao Ren smiled and said, "Why are you looking for Scott?"

"I want to ask him for a favor!" said Archina.

"Scott is no longer here, and now I have bought this store. If you don't believe me, just ask these shop assistants!" Hao Ren said.

The shop assistants who were tallying the goods immediately testified for Hao Ren.

As soon as Aqina heard that Scott had sold the store, his heart immediately turned cold.He apologized to Luo Wa and said, "I'm sorry, dear, it seems that I can't help you anymore!"

Hao Ren smiled and said, "Aqina, what's the matter with you, tell me, maybe I can help you!"

With another glimmer of hope in Aqina's heart, he told Hao Ren what happened to Luo Wa.

It turned out that Rova came to Leticia with her lover Paul a few years ago to find a job.But when they arrived, they realized that they had nothing to do.In order to survive, Luowa had to go to the "big cigar hall" to start a skin business to make money to support Paul.But Paul didn't cherish Rova at all, and even lost all her money.A Qigang found out, and in a moment of righteous indignation, he beat Paul up. As a result, Luowa was kicked out by Paul.The reason was that she was recruiting wild men outside.

Now, Lova wants to go home but has no money.She originally wanted to sell the flesh for a few more days, but was persuaded by Aqina.Aqina told Rowa that he had a good relationship with Scott, the boss here, and that he could borrow some money from Scott's store to pay for Lova's travel expenses.So Luo Wa followed him to Hao Ren's shop.

After hearing what Aqina said, Hao Ren nodded.He said: "It's perfectly fine to borrow a little money. However, I have a question for Luo Wa. If you want to go home, who else is there at home?"

Luowa shook her head and said, "My parents are gone, and I have no brothers or sisters. Even the house has collapsed!"

Hao Ren said, "If that's the case, why are you going home? Aqina has been so kind to you, so go with him!"

Then, Hao Ren asked Aqina again: "Aqina, do you love Miss Luowa?"

Aqina was overjoyed, he didn't expect Hao Ren to be willing to match for him, he kept saying: "I love Luo Wa, I am willing to give my life for her, I will definitely let Luo Wa live a happy life!"

Hao Ren smiled and said, "Since that's the case, don't waste your time!"

As he said that, he took out two hundred dollars from the drawer: "You take this money to open a room first, and go back to the tribe early tomorrow morning and forget it!"

(End of this chapter)

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