The strongest perspective doctor

Chapter 637 Fake Birthday Party

Chapter 637 Fake Birthday Party

"Everyone, today is my 66th birthday. Welcome everyone! In the past, I spent my birthdays in the northern hemisphere. Everyone knows that this season in the northern hemisphere is full of ice and snow. Unexpectedly, I still have I can have a sunny birthday. Moreover, there are friends from all over the world to join me. Although there is no wine here, the old man suggested that we have a glass of juice!"

In the depths of the jungle, Tan Wanshan shed tears of excitement in front of more than a dozen foreign guests present.

In fact, today is not Tan Wanshan's birthday at all. Since he came to the earth, he has never celebrated a birthday at all.Because when he was in the orthodox space, the pre-Qin calendar used there could not be converted to the calendar used on the earth, and he was a person who was afraid of trouble, so he directly waived his birthday.

The reason why Tan Wanshan had a birthday today was Hao Ren's idea, because Hao Ren hoped that he would use his birthday as an excuse to invite everyone except the Americans.

Players from Spain, Egypt, Ukraine, Canada, and New Zealand heard that an elder from China was celebrating his birthday, so they came here without saying a word.Their heartfelt blessings moved Tan Wanshan to tears.

Hao Ren was standing right behind Tan Wanshan. He gathered his energy and said, "Master Tan, since you are so happy, why not celebrate your birthday every year from now on!"

"This is what you said on your own initiative, and you and Hathaway will come to celebrate for me!"

"No problem!" Hao Ren laughed.

Tan Wanshan said again: "It's almost done here, you can go!"

Hao Ren nodded: "Then you still have to give an order!"

The two of them got here together and communicated in a line. Tan Wanshan suddenly said loudly to Hao Ren: "I said, don't stand here, there are so many people, there must be not enough food, you hurry up and catch some fish. , I must let everyone have fun today!"

"Yes, I'll go right away!" Hao Ren bowed to Tan Wanshan, then with a wave of his hand, he went out with the four guards from the east, south, west and north.

Hao Ren directed this scene, in fact, to prepare for dealing with the Americans.

At noon yesterday, Hao Ren heard with his own ears that the leader of the American team would go down to the lake the next day to look for bone protrusions.Therefore, Hao Ren made a plan. When the Americans brought Gu Tu to the shore, he would launch a surprise attack, kill all the American players, and then snatch Gu Tu back.

Hao Ren has a way to kill and steal goods, but it is a bit difficult to deceive others.Because when the Americans go into the lake to pick up the bone, there must be players from other countries watching.

Everyone is idle, and watching the excitement is not bad.There are even those who are eager to flatter the Americans, and they will definitely step forward to help.Once this happens, Hao Ren's murder and robbery cannot be concealed.

If you want others not to watch the fun by the lake, it is best to turn them away.So Hao Ren thought of a way, assuming that December [-]th is Tan Wanshan's birthday, and invited everyone to a banquet in the jungle.

These multi-national players heard that an old player in his 60s was going to celebrate his birthday. They were immediately interested, and out of respect for the elders, they immediately ran to the jungle to help.

In order to be realistic, Hao Ren even invited American players, but of course, all the American players declined.

Hao Ren found a flat place deep in the jungle. After the guests came, they would have barbecue and drink fruit juice.The barbecues are all animals caught from the woods and fish caught from the lake, and the juice is freshly squeezed from the fruits picked from the trees.In short, although today's birthday banquet is simple, it is full.

And Meng Yunxi, Tan Ming, Han Bing, and Ise Wujia are responsible for holding back these "foreign friends", and must not let the "foreign friends" leave before Hao Ren shows up again.Once they got back to the lake, it was possible to see Hao Ren "doing bad things"!
Now, Tan Wanshan asked Hao Ren to come out to look for ingredients, in fact, he wanted to find an excuse for him to come out to kill people and rob things.

Hao Ren brought the four guards from the east, south, west, and north to the lake. At this time, the lake was calm, and there were no players from the United States, nor Lingjiao.However, there were still two people lying by the lake, old K and Bob.

Bob was having a good time chatting with Old K. When he saw Hao Ren and the other five, he immediately changed his face, and with a sense of superiority from a superpower, he shouted at Hao Ren domineeringly: "Don't you bother to worry about that?" The old man celebrates his birthday, what are you doing here, is this where you guys came from?"

Hao Ren was angry in his heart, but on the surface he pretended not to care, and asked with a smile: "I just want to treat you six gentlemen to have a drink! Why are you two here, and the other four gentlemen?" "

Bob still had a bad face: "The four gentlemen went down to the bottom of the lake to look for bone protrusions. They will come up soon. If they see you here, they will kill you without hesitation. If you want to live, Just leave immediately!"

Hao Ren felt relieved when he heard that the four American players had already descended to the bottom of the lake.He knew that it was impossible for those four people to go ashore together, so he happened to kill them one by one.

As soon as Hao Ren turned around, he made tangential movements to the east, south, west, and north.The four immediately showed their soul soldiers, and everyone swung their knives together. Old K and Bob just screamed twice, and died straight on the beach.

Hao Ren secretly sighed: "To deal with this kind of mutated people, it is still effective to attack their souls!"

The last time he fought against five Adam Monroes alone in Leticia, all five of them turned into "Hulks". Hao Ren strangled their necks with "worry silk".

However, this time, Hao Ren could feel that the strength of these six people was stronger than Adam Monroe and the others. He felt that the possibility of killing them with "worry wire" was very slim.It is most appropriate to let the four guards take action.

Hao Ren was thinking wildly, when a human head appeared in the lake water in the distance.Soon, the man emerged from the water, wearing a diving suit and holding a bony protuberance in his hand.It is a player from the United States.

Seeing the bone protrusion, Hao Ren was overjoyed.The Americans sent him treasures, how could he not be happy!

"Hey, what do you Huaxia players want to do?" The man who came out of the water shouted sharply.

Hao Ren said with a contorted smile: "We want to invite old K and Bob to our birthday party, but they don't want to go, and they pretend to be mature, ignoring us! We are about to leave!"

The American contestant had a sharp eye. He could tell at a glance that there was something wrong with old K and Bob's sleeping posture. He walked up quickly: "Old K, Bob, what's wrong with you?"

Hao Ren winked at the four guards in the east, south, west, and north. The four guards made a move, and a sharp knife appeared in each of their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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